Year: 2018

Mixed 18 Hole Stableford Saturday 3rd March 2018

In A Grade Paul Viertel came in with 43 points congratulations, Jack Day in 2nd with 37 points on a count back from Bob Leach. in B Grade Robin Hay came in with 37 points on a count back from Mark Green congratulations, Gary White in 3rd with 36 points.

In the ball run down Mike Finley, Doug Johnstone, Rhys Cooper, Darren Sakaio, Dennis Brown and Mark Bridge.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3 Rhys Cooper, on hole 5 Chris Pottering, on hole 6 second shot Peter Gilbert, on hole 12 Liz Melish, on hole 14 Jan Johnston.

For full match play CLICK HERE


Hinterland Golfer – March 2018


The Management Committee’s February Meeting focused chiefly on reviewing the club’s updated Strategic Plan – a link to which is included for comment. The main objective is to consolidate and enjoy what we’ve got during the next 2-3 years while building up sufficient funds to finance further expansion.

The Strategic Plan identifies the key risks confronting the golf club and sets out a variety of strategic tactical responses to address them.

The key risks being that:

  • Operating expenses not exceed income
  • Departing volunteers are not replaced
  • Social/Visitor numbers decline
DSC_0120_Bunker guarding the 5th Green and the Pin arvo edit

The best 12 holes in Australia and growing! Maintaining the quality of the course is of paramount importance.

Strategies have been designed to retain and grow memberships by offering additional member services, a rewards program, an improved retail offer, enhanced playing and post-round experiences for social golfers – be they members or visitors.

A new Promotional Strategy also aims to boost the club’s analogue and digital marketing efforts using the theme: “The best 12 holes in Australia and growing!” This will dovetail with our revamped Partnership Strategy to expand and leverage “brand Maleny” via sponsorships, an enhanced reciprocal club offer, additional signature events and deeper community and schools engagement.

A revised Course Maintenance and Development Strategy aims to maintain long-term quality, complete the new maintenance facility within budget, build up our volunteer mowing team to accommodate redundancy and prepare an Asset Management Plan in conjunction with a Financial Plan to support equipment fleet maintenance and replacement.

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The three new holes will soon be brought into play.

Course Development will focus initially on integration of the 3 new holes into the course – played in 9, 12 or 18-hole configurations and then shift to completion of the design of the final 6 holes and the addition of new Championship Tees for Holes 1 and 7.

Plans for construction of the next 6 holes from 2021 will be subject to achievement of financial targets, with interim alternative uses of land east of the wetland such as a practice facility to be investigated. Development of rental buggy sheds for members alongside 8th hole is also to be considered.

Our Governance and Management Strategy will focus on improving communication and engagement with members regarding operations and projects, enhancing recognition and rewards for shop and course volunteers, and employment of a Golf Pro/Manager to market the course and serve members. The strategy will also seek to strengthen the club’s sub-committees to drive the successful operation of the Club with a view to achieving financial sustainability and a surplus for investment.

To review the Draft Strategic Plan please click HERE and direct any comments and feedback to me at by 12 March as the Management Committee intend to finalise the Plan when they next meet on 19 March.

Golf Professional/marketing manager recruitment update

We are pleased and fortunate to have and continue the coaching services of Don Portway to provide golf clinics for members as the circumstances of the Pro from from Dubai Simon Payne have changed.  Maleny Golf Club is now in discussion with the PGA to define a new role for Club Pro/Club Manager. In the meantime, as outlined in the Treasurer/Golf Shop Manager’s messages, we are pleased to have Sarah Harding keeping an eye on the Golf Shop, supporting volunteers and taking on more communication, administrative and marketing responsibilities.

As part of the Strategic Planning process the recruitment of a Golf Pro/Club Manager needs to add value and assist the club meet its growth and financial targets. Members will be kept up to date over the next 3-6 months regarding our recruitment progress.

Legends pro-Am Update

Captain Doug Johnstone with PGA State Assistant Manager Justin Maker

Captain Doug Johnstone and the PGA’s Justin Maker starting off the 2017 Legends Pro-Am field.

We are aiming for a bigger and better event this year with a $20k purse and possibly a dual event, over the weekend 15-16 December, including women professionals. Pop the Pro-Am date in your diary and stay tuned for updates as we seek to enhance the profile of Maleny Golf Club to the golfing community, our local community and visitors to the Hinterland

Marquee-deck extension

The Clubhouse project team is seeking approval and funding to purchase a permanent marquee to expand our safe, social and shade space for upcoming events. These events include the cross country events from May and the Knitfest/Astronomy event from June, our own Club Championships and ultimately our Legends Pro-Am event in December. In addition to the permanent marquee, we are planning an extension to the temporary clubhouse deck. These initiatives aim to improve member services and creating social spaces for members and visitors to enjoy apres-golf relaxing.

Sponsors Day

Maleny Golf Club has up to 40 local businesses who support, sponsor and partner with us on various initiates and we “aim to drive business our sponsors’ way”. Members are invited to join with sponsors to play in a fun 9-hole Ambrose Teams event on Sunday 20 May. Register your interest and we’ll match you up with sponsor teams. The defending Champs are the Trilogy Tax Team.

Liquor Licence

The first initiative to enhance the experience for Members and Visitors alike is the successful application for a liquor license which will enable us to sell alcohol from 1 March. This will go a long way to restoring the post-round fellowship which we used to enjoy.

IGA Community Benefits Scheme

Maleny IGA is a sponsor and strong supporter of the Maleny Golf Club which is a participant in the store’s generous Community Benefits Scheme. Under the scheme 1c in every dollar spent is donated to a customer’s nominated community organisation. The committee urges all members to sign up to the scheme and nominate Maleny Golf Club as your preferred community organisation. Entry forms are available at the clubhouse or alternatively go to Maleny IGA’s website and download the form.



Pennant Team members from left Jack Day and Mal Ewing with Captain Doug Johnstone and team sponsor Jaques Fayole from ANZ Mobile Lending.

Pennants: Maleny Golf Club fielded its first-ever Pennant Team earlier in the year, with 11 players travelling to Caboolture to represent the club in Group B of the Glasshouse Mountains Zone competition on 4th February.

The team acquitted itself very well against a very strong Caboolture team, winning 4 of its 11 matches, and it has continued to perform at a very high level in three outings since, with two of the last three matches being played on our home course.

These matches give us the opportunity to showcase our course and establish important relationships with some of the better players at other clubs within our Zone. All visiting players have been very impressed with our course, including those from Caboolture – none of whom had previously played the course. In fact, some were unaware that Maleny had a golf course before we entered the Pennant competition.

Congratulations to the team led by Marcus Wellington and all the best for the remainder of the Pennant Season.

Glasshouse Mountains Zone Seniors: On Monday, 26 February, we hosted one of a series of events to be conducted at different courses throughout our Zone during 2018.

Fortunately, the weather stayed fine and we had a field of 54 players from several clubs throughout the Zone who competed in a Single Stableford event. With the benefit of a little local knowledge, several Maleny players finished well up the leader board in Men’s A and B grade competitions, while Toni Bishop won the Ladies’ competition on a countback from Penny Edwards.

A big “Thank You” to Robin Hay who oversaw the nomination process, set the fields, allocated carts to those who needed them and entered many of the scorecards on the day. There is a great deal of work involved in running one of these events and the assistance of all concerned, including Paul Lowe, Beth Glover and our catering team, is greatly appreciated.

Thanks also to Mick and his team for preparing the course to the fullest extent possible under difficult weather conditions.

Monthly Medal: February’s Monthly Medal competition, which was cancelled because of the weather, will now be held on Saturday, 11 March. This will give the greens some time to recover from renovations currently in progress.

New Holes: With the three new holes expected to be ready for play in the near future, the Match Committee is currently looking at how to incorporate them in an 18-hole course format suitable for both staggered and shotgun starts.

This process will include a review of the stroke indices on all holes currently in play, which statistics indicate are well off the mark in some instances.

That’s all from me for now. Good golfing!



Maintenance Shed framing stage 20 Feb 2018_Max

President Max Whitten watching the frame of the new maintenance facility go up.

We have just completed the bi-annual renovation of our greens which were scarified, cored and top dressed to help maintain the putting surfaces to the high standard we have all become accustomed.

The greens should be back to their playing best in about 4 weeks – aided by the recent deluge. However, we have struggled to keep up with the mowing as a result of the rain. Consequently members may encounter the odd patch of long grass until we can get on top of it!

I am “super-excited” to see the new maintenance facility really starting to take shape now behind the 3rd green and look forward to completion in around 6 weeks – coinciding with the time we expect to get the three new holes into play.

The new fairways and greens are really coming on well, although we have yet to complete some irrigation work and the revetted bunkering and to get on top of the weeding and crow’s foot.

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