Year: 2019

Men’s Stroke Wednesday 23rd October 2019

Dave Nielsen won the day with a nett score of 65, Geoff Wilson in 2nd with a nett score of 67 on a count back from Stephen Porter.

Ball run down Denis O’Neill, Colin Schofield (Marrickville Golf Club), Denis Hickey and Grant Flynn.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3 Geoff, on hole 5 Grant Flynn, on hole 8 Paul Viertel.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Judi Coey Optometry Ladies Monthly Medal 23rd October 2019

Congratulations to Seri Tytherleigh winning with a nett score of 68, Karen Heading in 2nd with a nett score of 69, Kerry Nieper in 3rd with a nett score of 70 on a count back from Robin Hay.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3 Jillan Jones, on hole 5 Narelle Thamm, on hole 8 Seri Tytherleigh, on hole 13 Mo Lawrence.

Ball run down Robin Hay, Christine Lemon and Margaret Goodger.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Margaret Trigger 4BBB Mixed Stableford 19th October 2019

Congratulations to Margaret Goodger and Tom Kennedy winning the day with 51 points, Kirk Vagg and Rupert Hohls in 2nd with 50 points, Robin Hay and Jeff Kruse in 3rd with 48 points.

Prize run down Nick Martin and Ian Lee, Don Lemon and Debbie Hanson.

Ball run down David Durack and Toni Bishop, Sarah Haring and Mick McCombe, Steevie Marriner and Paul Viertel, Christine Lemon and Peter Gilbert, Dan Casey and Anne Devane.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3 for the ladies Margaret Goodger and for the men Blake Wellington, on hole 5 Dan Casey, on hole 8 for the ladies Robin Hay and for the men Blake Wellington, on hole 13 Mike Finley.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Let’s make it awesome !!

Maleny Golf Club Vice President Max Whitten supplied a photo of the two new mowers delivered yesterday morning. One mower, driven in the photo by course Superintendent Mick McCombe, is for the rough and the other, driven in the photo by Rob Bailo, is for the greens. With the number of holes in play soon to increase from 12 to 18, the MGC need the extra equipment for the course staff and volunteers to manage the regular maintenance. The new equipment will also provide some level of backup should we have a breakage on existing equipment.

Max also sent a photo of the same two gentlemen, Mick and Rob, in July 2014 (just 5 years ago) standing on what is now the green for the par 5, fifth hole. In the photo, Mick and Rob are using the only greens shaping equipment MGC owned at the time, two lawn levellers. It just goes to show what years of hard work and dedication can achieve.

The six new greens are progressing well despite some damage from heavy rain and an indiscretion with a golf cart. A very “theme appropriate” bridge from the new first tee to the first green is now in place thanks to several weeks very hard work involving a handful of very dedicated volunteers including Rob, Don, Steve and Doug. If things weren’t busy enough, a new championship tee was built largely by Don on the 8th (it will be the 5th hole on the new layout) and should be ready to use during the pro-am next month.

Thinking he might become bored in the future, I asked Mick last week what he would do when all 18 holes are built. His answer started off “There’s always something to do on a golf course” and then he became enthusiastic; “Let’s make it awesome”. I’m with Mick, let’s make it awesome !!!

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