Month: January 2021

Carry the Flag Nett Saturday 16th January 2021

Congratulation to Matthew Howie the overall winner with a great nett score of 58.

A Grade winner was Eric Hecht with a nett score of 65, in 2nd Ron Smith with a nett score of 66, in 3rd Mike Hallam with a nett score of 68.

B Grade winner was Matthew Howie with a nett score 58, in 2nd was Tye Lincoln with a nett score of 68, in 3rd was Andrew Beith (Gailes GC) with a nett score of 69 on a count back from Neil Donovan.

Ball run down Rob Chessell, Garth Bailo, Heath Gray, John Hay and Matthew Wolski.

For full match play CLICK HERE


Mixed Stableford Tuesday 5th January 2021

Billy Perske won A Grade with 39 points, Mike Finley in 2nd with 37 points, Grant Flynn in 3rd with 36 points, Paul Griffin in 4th with 34 points.

Merv Schulz won B Grade with 37 points, Ian Dauth in 2nd with 36 points, Peter Trounce in 3rd with 35 points.

Ball run down Don Lemon, Scott Heywood, Corey Zammit, Grant Wilksch and David Dawes (Caloundra GC).

For full match play CLICK HERE

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