Mixed Stableford Saturday 19th September 2020

Eric Hecht won the A Grade with 40 points, Garth Bailo in 2nd with 38 points, Doug Evans in 3rd with 37 points on a count back from Jeff Kruse.

Nick Martin won the B Grade with 38 points on a count back form Rod Thamm, Mark Beaumont in 3rd with 36 points, Noel Wieden in 4th with 35 points.

Ball run down Rupert Hohls, Peter Dawson, Aidan Wood (Melville Glades GC), Corey Zammit, Craig Masters 9 Mount Coolum GC), Jan Johnston, Stephen Porter, Andy Johnson David Killeen, Peter Trounce, Neil Stenhouse and Jamie Seymour.

For full match play CLICK HERE

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