Wednesday 21st September 2016 – Ladies 18 Holes 4BBB Stableford

Our regular Wednesday morning Ladies Competition got another big boost this week courtesy of Tracey Liddlelow who organised a group of 9 visitors from Caloundra Golf Club to join our regulars for an 18-hole 4BBB Stableford. There was a light shower or two but nothing to dampen everyone’s spirits too much! Congratulations to our winners, Margaret Goodger and Barbara Saville who posted 39 points with the two Alisons, Behncken and Cook, the runners up on 37 points. Liz Mellish got pin honours on the 3/12th while Alison Behncken prevailed on the 5/14th. Thanks to all our visitors, we hope you enjoyed the experience and return again soon.[gview file=””]


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