Hinterland Golfer – February 2017

Top designer starts work on Maleny’s second 9

LEADING Australian golf course architect Graham Papworth has started detailed design work on the second 9 holes of the Maleny Golf Club course following a recent site visit to walk the land and finalise contractual matters.

Mr Papworth’s visit follows finalisation of the lease boundaries and Maleny Golf Club’s successful application for a $100,000 Queensland Government “Getting Places and Spaces” grant to help finance construction of next three holes.

“Well we’re now in the first phase of adding the second nine holes and working on the detailed design of the next three holes on an agreed parcel of land,” said Mr Papworth (pictured here with Superintendent Mick McCombe, President Max Whitten and Business Development Director David Killeen).

“We’re hoping to get these three holes built prior to the end of this year so that they’ll benefit from the growing season and be ready for play towards autumn next year.” CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY

Trading Update and Golf shop

Holiday trading during January was negatively impacted by a combination of wet weather and heatwave conditions – neither of which were conducive to competition or social golf. Consequently, golf revenue (net of membership payments) was slightly down on the previous January.

Don’t forget if you are seeking to purchase bigger ticket items such a motorised pull buggies feel welcome to ask the club through Richard to provide a quote on sourcing a particular model as we may be able to quote a competitive price.

We are continuing to look for additional golf shop volunteers. There are still a number of vacant shifts on the golf shop roster each week and there is always someone away on holidays or indisposed for one reason or another creating a vacancy.

Richard Clayton Golf Shop Beautification Project_editSo if you have some spare time available and want to lend a hand, why not consider volunteering to work in the golf shop? Taking on a shift need not be a commitment of more than a couple of hours plus some initial training.

If interested in getting involved please get in touch with Richard Owen by phoning 5499 9960 or emailing shop@malenygolfclub.com.au.

Thanks to Richard Clayton (right) for rolling out the next stage of the Golf Club beautification process despite the heat! The approaches to the front of shop and office entrances have now been greatly enhanced thanks to Richard’s handiwork and the pile of spare pavers next to the cart sheds is steadily diminishing!

“Ask not what your golf club can do for you, but what can you do for your golf club.”

 Competition Golf – Monthly Medals

Blake Wellington and Marg TriggerIt’s always a stern test of golf off the blue markers and congratulations go to Blake Wellington who shot 71 off the stick to wrest the men’s course record from Sean Daines by one shot. Blake is pictured here with club Captain Marg Trigger who has his card which will be laminated and proudly displayed in the club house.

Unfortunately Blake’s net 68 was bettered on a countback by Jan Johnston who won the A Grade TFM (our new Men’s sponsor) monthly medal. Richard Clayton was the B Grade winner on net 71 – three shots clear of runner up Paul Viertel.

Jon Fairman secured C Grade honours with a net 69 on a count back from Richard Owen and Joe Walters won the over 70s Maleny Mug. Pins went to Jan Johnston on the 3rd and the 5th.

The Maleny Property Rentals’ Ladies Monthly Medal was won by Toni Bishop who maintained her good form by carding a net 70 – one shot clear of runner up Christine Lemon and Mo Lawrence another shot back in third on 72. Pins went to Karen Heading on 3 and to Marg Trigger on 5.

Other News

FullSizeRender (006)_1Interest in establishing a Dark Sky Park on the Maleny Precinct adjacent to the golf club continued to build in January. A group of visitors from Brisbane [including the President of the Brisbane Astronomical Society Peter Allison] were treated with perfect viewing conditions on the last weekend of the month.

A group of local amateur astronomers led by Ken Wishaw, is assessing, with Council and MGC, potential for establishing a Dark Sky Park on the precinct and possibly sharing a Club House with MGC.

Ladies Let’s Golf & Junior Golf

The golf club, in conjunction with Golf Queensland held another free Ladies Let’s Golf introductory session.

It was very encouraging to see a dozen ladies participating and a series of four Level 1 clinics will be held on Fridays from 8:30-9:30am each Friday from February 17. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Maleny Golf Club is working with the Maleny Primary School to deliver a junior golf program during the coming school term consisting of 6 sessions after school on Wednesday’s – three of which will be at the school and three at the golf club.

Many thanks to the school’s Physical Education Teacher Shane Turner and MGC member and high school teacher Mike Railton for helping to deliver this much needed program.

Promotional Activities

16194988_366372553733949_9063405614732123414_nThe golf club again participated in the Maleny Aussie Day Expo showcasing the district’s sporting and recreational clubs and pursuits at the Maleny Showgrounds.

We were well received and many thanks go to our Club Captain Marg Trigger, Michele Retschlag, Anne Devane (pictured) and Liz Mellish for volunteering to be on duty to meet and greet the scores of people who visited our marquee provided courtesy of club stalwart Rod Thamm.

Earlier in the month the golf club had a promotional stall at Weddings at Tiffanies over the weekend of the 10-11 of January for the Hinterland Summer Wedding Expo. Many thanks to Neil Stenhouse, Michele Retschlag, Ralph Ding and John Hilton for volunteering their time to help meet and greet visitors during the weekend.

Cross Country Racing

Subject to council approvals, the Maleny Precinct and Golf Club will host one of Sunshine Coast Cross Country Series races on Sunday May 7 and the Queensland Cross Country Championships on Saturday July 29. The resulting inconvenience to members is largely offset by the strong community relations benefit. However, the Committee is also well aware of the cash cost and is pursuing options to ensure a revenue neutral or positive outcome.

Captain’s Corner with Margaret Trigger

There has been a steady roll up of both Men and Ladies at our competitions, although a few regulars were away in January and the weather was unpleasantly hot. I would like to welcome Pauline Fraley and Jillian Jones who now have handicaps and joined in to play in our Wednesday Ladies competition. Their progress is a testament to the success of our ongoing Ladies Let’s Golf initiative.

Superintendent Mick has requested that anyone wishing to tee off at 7:30am during competitions (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays) do so in a group of 4 to ensure he has time to prepare the greens ahead. Tee time availability has been adjusted to promote a slightly later start.

know-the-rules-copyEach month the Match Committee intends to post a rule of golf on the notice board to update members on any new or questionable rules. A form has also been placed on the notice board for those to register their interest in sponsoring our competition days.

Please mark the following dates on your playing calendars.

Veteran’s / Senior’s days will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month with an 8:30am shotgun start with the addition of a Glass House Zone Senior’s day on Monday 27 February – also an 8:30am shot gun start.

A Mixed Foursomes Championship will be held on 6 May and there will also be a prize for ordinary foursomes.

The annual Captain versus President Match Play tournament will be held this year on Saturday 22 July.

Our annual Men’s and Ladies Championships will be played in August and September. Men – 26 & 27 August and 2 September; Ladies – 30 August and 6 September. A 4BBB Mixed Competition is also scheduled to be held on 9 September.

Competition players please note the drain and grate on the second hole is deemed Ground Under Repair (GUR) if your stance is impeded.

Slow Play – All players are reminded to keep up with the group in front of them. If you can’t see the group in front of you on the hole in play, but can see the group behind you are too slow.

Happy Golfing, Margaret Trigger.

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe

FullSizeRender (00B)_Rennos 070217The greens have just been renovated with a scarification, aeration and top dressing to level them back out so they should be putting nicely again in about three to four weeks.

We also expect to commence work on the new revetted bunkers on the third hole by the end of the month. They’ve been surveyed now so what we have to do is dig them out and install the revetments.

Stop Press – Super Day

Prior to commencement of the greens renovations Mick and Mark, with help from our able team of volunteers, had the course presented magnificently and playing brilliantly on Friday 3 February.

The occasion was a visit by coastal course Superintendents and greenkeepers who had all helped the club in various ways to get on its feet over the past 18 months.

Get well wishes

Balls Up - MGC golf Aces John OxenhamAs some of you may know one of our club stalwarts John Oxenham has been battling health issues of late, culminating in a stroke. Not surprisingly John has not been taking it all lying down.

According to Jenny, he has already amazed the medical profession, such have been his recuperative powers! Nevertheless, please spare John (and Jenny) a thought in wishing him a speedy recovery!

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