Newsflash – Council Approves Maleny Golf Club Lease

After 12 years of negotiation (and some frustration), we are pleased to announce that Council, at its Ordinary Meeting on Thursday 17 October 2013, approved the lease agreement with the Maleny Golf Club.  We are especially happy that this was a unanimous decision by Council.  We are very grateful to the Council Officers who worked closely with Cr Jenny McKay and the Golf Club Committee to achieve this outcome.

The Way Forward
MGC will call a Special General Meeting in November to discuss with members some of the construction details and how they might help – as the Club will be relying on the skills and enthusiasm of its members to contain costs.

In some ways MGC has been inspired by the philosophy of the Machrihanish Dunes Golf Course in Scotland, completed in 2009.  It made great use of the natural assets resulting in an outstanding 18 hole golf course built for around 1.5 million pounds. Its motto was “Golf as it began”.  You can read more about Machrihanish Dunes Course at this link.

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