Lease Documents Signed

On Monday 21st October, Cr Jenny McKay and officers from Sunshine Coast Regional Council visited our golf range to announce Council’s decision on the Maleny Golf Club lease approval and to sign some documents forming part of the lease.

Cr McKay, when speaking to the gathered true believers, said how delighted the Council was to see progress on the development of the Maleny Community Precinct, and that the golf course forms a major part of this.  Cr McKay also announced the plans for the construction of the walking trails and congratulated the Friends of Pattemore House for their efforts. Cr McKay praised the persistence and dedication of MGC members, in  particular the drive and committment (to thunderous applause) of our President, Dr. Max Whitten.

In reply Max thanked the Council, in particular Cr. McKay and the officers who have worked hard in the development of the plans for the golf course.  Max also outlined the course construction plans and expressed confidence that we will be playing on the course by the end of 2014.

Watch this video report from View News   and  read a report on Maleny District Sport and Rec web site

Below are some photos from the document signing.

One comment

  1. Rod Waldron says:

    A very useful and informative site. Thanks.

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