Robin Hay is Maleny’s new Ladies Champion!

B Grade Champion Sue Hardy_e

B Grade Champion Sue Hardy (left) with Club Captain Margaret Trigger.

Congratulations go to Robin Hay who won the Ladies Championships held over two weeks on 30 August and 6 September. Robin posted a gross score of 189 with Seri Tytherleigh the runner up and best net score (193/142).

Congratulations also to our B Grade winner Sue Hardy (207) with Penny Edwards the Runner Up (212) on a Count Back from Christine Lemon. Best net score went to Anne Devane (213/147).

Many thanks to our sponsors Easton Lawyers and Practice Manager Sharon Schofield who was on hand to present the trophy to Robin and the other prizes.

Nearest the Pins on Day 2 went to Seri Tytherleigh on the 3rd and the 5th while Robin had the best second shot on the 14th.

Special thanks to all the volunteers who acted as spotters and bunker-rakers and to Mick McCombe and his team for presenting the course in such a fine condition.

For the Men’s Championship Results CLICK HERE.

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