Author: Al

Maleny’s Magnificent 18 Hole Golf Course Officially Opened

Not even a torrential downpour could dampen the spirits on Saturday 15th of February, 2020 when, in our opinion, the Sunshine Coast’s most picturesque golf course officially recognised the completion of the final six holes with the public golf course now boasting 18 scenic and challenging holes.


The historic event also marked the opening of the Steve Porter Crossing – a new bridge approaching the First Green on the pioneering Porter family’s land which was combined with the adjacent Armstrong farm to create the golf course and Maleny Community Precinct.

Steve Porter and Mayor Mark Jamieson unveil an image of the plaque marking the Steve Porter Crossing

The official ceremony was captured in total and is available to view on social media: MGC Final 6 Holes Opening Ceremony

(the majority of this item first published on the Sunshine Coast Council Facebook page)

Maleny Golf Club celebrates completion of the final 6 holes

After 20 years of planning, consultation and construction employing volunteer labour and nous, Maleny Golf Club will finally celebrate completion of its 18-hole golf course this Saturday 15th February when Sunshine Coast Mayor Cr Mark Jamieson declares it open. The historic event will also mark the opening of the Steve Porter Crossing – a new bridge approaching the First Green on the pioneering Porter family’s land, which was combined with the adjacent Armstrong farm to create the golf course and Maleny Community Precinct.

President Jeff Kruse said the club had faced many challenges since plans to establish a golf club in Maleny gained traction in 1999 and owed a great debt to his long-serving predecessor Dr Max Whitten whose efforts were rewarded with a Queensland Government Sports Volunteer of the Year award in 2015. “This golf course would never have been built had it not been for the grit, determination and unwavering leadership provided by Max who only stepped down last September after 19 years as President when the finishing post finally came into sight,” Jeff said. “This day marks the end of the club’s rather long beginning and start of a bright future as the home of golf in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland – and an exciting focal point for other sporting and community pursuits such as cross country running and astronomy.”

The quality course, serviced by a top-drawer maintenance facility, was largely constructed by volunteers supported by local contractors, Bernie Porter and David Lowden, together with strategic input from professional golf course shapers. The course covers about 25 per cent of the Maleny Community Precinct – the rest being devoted to other sports, effluent disposal, heritage, walking paths, rainforest and wetlands. Jeff said construction had started in 2014 with a total budget of

around $1.6 million, following extensive community consultation over the precinct. “We certainly appreciate the pivotal financial support provided by the Sunshine Coast Council, with whom we have developed a great working relationship, as well as absolutely essential grant assistance from both the State and Federal Governments,” he said. “Our Superintendent Mick McCombe has really worked miracles with volunteers and contractors to oversee the transformation of dairy pastures and some dense weedy patches into a quality course. In the process he won two national and one state award for excellence.”

Golf Australia has recognised that the future of golf lies in quality community golf courses like Maleny’s located in regions with mild climates, an abundant water supply and proximity to urban areas free from the severe land-use pressures being experienced in our larger cities.

The Official Opening will commence at 12.30pm and the formalities should be completed by 1.30pm.

Other honoured guests include Cr Jenny McKay, Deputy Mayor Tim Dwyer, former Caloundra City Council Mayor Don Aldous, Federal Member for Fisher Andrew Wallace and course architect Graham Papworth.

Social golf will resume after 2pm but bookings are recommended.

You can also follow Maleny Golf Club on Facebook:

Golf on Christmas Day or any day

Trading Hours over Christmas 2019 and New Year

Just a reminder that we are open every day over the holiday period – including Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

So if you’d like to try out those new clubs left by Santa, or just need some fresh air and exercise after Christmas lunch, why not pop up to the club and play a few holes? The volunteers on duty would love to see you.

Clouds Retreats PGA Legends ProAm 2019

Our Clouds Retreats PGA Legends ProAm, (won by Lucien Tinkler with a score of -4) ran very smoothly with feedback, supporting the view that it was a big success and reflection of the great organization and leadership shown by Jillian Jones, aided by her hard working committee.

Special thanks also to Rob Bailo and his Greens Committee and Superintendent Mick McCombe and his staff for the high standard our golf course was presented, in conditions we all know have been very trying over the past 6-8 weeks.
Jeff Kruse
MGC President

Here’s a link to the PGA match report:

Let’s make it awesome !!

Maleny Golf Club Vice President Max Whitten supplied a photo of the two new mowers delivered yesterday morning. One mower, driven in the photo by course Superintendent Mick McCombe, is for the rough and the other, driven in the photo by Rob Bailo, is for the greens. With the number of holes in play soon to increase from 12 to 18, the MGC need the extra equipment for the course staff and volunteers to manage the regular maintenance. The new equipment will also provide some level of backup should we have a breakage on existing equipment.

Max also sent a photo of the same two gentlemen, Mick and Rob, in July 2014 (just 5 years ago) standing on what is now the green for the par 5, fifth hole. In the photo, Mick and Rob are using the only greens shaping equipment MGC owned at the time, two lawn levellers. It just goes to show what years of hard work and dedication can achieve.

The six new greens are progressing well despite some damage from heavy rain and an indiscretion with a golf cart. A very “theme appropriate” bridge from the new first tee to the first green is now in place thanks to several weeks very hard work involving a handful of very dedicated volunteers including Rob, Don, Steve and Doug. If things weren’t busy enough, a new championship tee was built largely by Don on the 8th (it will be the 5th hole on the new layout) and should be ready to use during the pro-am next month.

Thinking he might become bored in the future, I asked Mick last week what he would do when all 18 holes are built. His answer started off “There’s always something to do on a golf course” and then he became enthusiastic; “Let’s make it awesome”. I’m with Mick, let’s make it awesome !!!

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