Author: Karen Heading

Mixed Stableford Tuesday 17th November 2020

The overall winner for the day was Ian Lee with 40 points.

A Grade winner was Stephen Smith with 38 points on a count back from Dan Black, Scott Hey wood in 3rd with 35 points.

B Grade winner was Ian Lee with 40 points, Trevor Fairley in 2nd with 38 points, Graham Waldron in 3rd with 35 points.

Ball run down in A Grade Grant Flynn, Doug Evans, Ron Smith and Richard Clayton.

Ball run down in B Grade Rod Waldron, Michael Davoren, Niel Cronk, John Tytherleigh and David Durack.

For full field report  CLICK HERE


Mixed Stableford Saturday 14th November 2020

The A Grade winner was Blair Aitken (Borneo Barracks GC) with 38 points, Dylan Street (The SGA GC) in 2nd with 37 points on a count back from Carey Catherall.

The B Grade winner was Stephen Porter with 37 points, Matthew Wolski in 2nd with 36 points, Tye Lincoln in 3rd with 35 points.

Ball run down Paul Griffin, Rupert Hohls, Rob Bailo, Garth Bailo, Blake Wellington, Ron Smith, Billy Perske, Neil Gould, Graham Waldron, John Hay, Dave Scott and Peter Street.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Mixed Stableford Tuesday 10th November 2020

For the A Grade winner, it was Stephen Burke with 39 points, in 2nd was Doug Evans with 38 points, in 3rd was Ron Smith with 35 points.

For the B Grade winner, it was Ralph Ding with 36 points on a count back from John Hay and Ian Lee.

Ball run down Scott Heywood, Ian Goodman (Yamba GC), Jimmy Clegg, Chris Pottinger, Malcolm Lower, Adrian Ross (iGolg QLD), Graeme Glover and Graham Thampson.

For full match play CLICK HERE

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