Author: Nick Concept

Course Update with Superintendent Mick McCombe

The greens have just been renovated with a scarification, aeration and top dressing to level them back out so they should be putting nicely again in about three to four weeks.

We also expect to commence work on the new revetted bunkers on the third hole by the end of the month. They’ve been surveyed now so what we have to do is dig them out and install the revetments.

Stop Press – Super Day

Prior to commencement of the greens renovations Mick and Mark, with help from our able team of volunteers, had the course presented magnificently and playing brilliantly on Friday 3 February.

The occasion was a visit by coastal course Superintendents and greenkeepers who had all helped the club in various ways to get on its feet over the past 18 months.

Get Well Wishes

As some of you may know one of our club stalwarts John Oxenham has been battling health issues of late, culminating in a stroke. Not surprisingly John has not been taking it all lying down.

According to Jenny, he has already amazed the medical profession, such have been his recuperative powers! Nevertheless, please spare John (and Jenny) a thought in wishing him a speedy recovery!

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