Author: Richard Owen

It’s On! The Live Life Communities – Maleny Grove PGA Legends Pro-Am

Maleny Golf Club (MGC) is pleased to announce the inaugural Live Life Communities – Maleny Grove PGA Legends Pro-Am will be held at its picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland course on 16 December 2017 with a prize purse of $12,000 on offer.

Former Major Championship winners Wayne Grady (US PGA), Ian Baker-Finch (The Open) along with Australian golfing legends such as Rodger Davis, Peter Fowler, Michael Harwood, Michael Clayton and Peter Senior, all feature regularly on the tour.

About 40 tour regulars have already entered to play, including current Order of Merit Leader Tim Elliott, Mike Harwood and Ossie Moore. CLICK HERE to access the latest entry information.

Maleny Legends Pro-Am Tournament Launch Media Release_21102017_ro


Hinterland Golfer – October 2017

Management Matters

In response to the Member Survey (September 2018) the Management Committee will communicate key matters of interest to members after each monthly meeting. So here goes ….

Our Club is “governed” by seven vital sub-committees. Whilst a number of the Management Committee are away, those in attendance updated the sub-committees (Chair and members) as follows:

Design, Construction and Landscaping: Chair, Max Whitten; Keith Shortus; Sel Hopley; Barry Retschlag and Rob Bailo. Advisor: Mick McCombe.

Greens and Environment:  Chair, Tom Bertwistle (tbc).

Finance: Chair, Neil Stenhouse; Mike Cumner and David Killeen.

Match: Captain, Doug Johnstone.

Social/House: Chair, (TBA); Margaret Trigger

Golf Shop/Volunteers: Chair, Tom Bertwistle and Jillian Jones.

Business Development: Chair, Liz Mellish; David Killeen; and Jillian Jones. This sub-committee also steers the new Clubhouse Project working group involving Geoff Smith.

Clubhouse project working group

Interested members are invited to attend a preliminary meeting to be updated on the temporary clubhouse situation; scope the approach to planning for a new Clubhouse; and confirm membership of the new Clubhouse Project working group. The meeting will be held on Thursday 19 October at 11am at the Golf Shop.

The Maleny Legends Pro-Am – 16 December 2017 – book your spot!

Mike-Harwood_eThe official launch of the Live Life Communities – Maleny Grove PGA Legends Pro-Am will be held at the Golf Club on Saturday 21 October (to coincide with the Men’s and Ladies’ Monthly Medals) with an eight week marketing/social media run down to the event on Saturday 16 December. Members are urged to please book your spot to play as soon as possible at the Golf Shop as numbers are limited.

The cost is $50 (including food and a drink) with a Shotgun tee off at 7.30am for an 18-hole single stableford competition. There are 26 spots available in the morning field.


Allocations of groups will be done in late November when we have access to the names of the participating pros including Mike Harwood (above) and Ossie Moore (right) who have already registered.

There will be great prizes for amateurs. All members are encouraged to get involved in what promises to be a fabulous showcase of our great course for the first time to the professional golf world.

 New Golf Pro/Manager – Simon Payne

Simon Payne 4eThe Management Committee is pleased to announce that Golf Professional Simon Payne (pictured at left) has agreed to start as our Golf Professional/Manager not later than 1 April 2018.

The transitional months will be managed with a combination of the Business Development team, Treasurer and Volunteer support.



Christmas Party

Maleny Manor_eThe 2017 Christmas Party will be held on Thursday 7 December 2017 at Maleny Manor.

Please register your attendance and pay at the Golf Shop.

Numbers are strictly limited to 110 and the cost per head will be $60 so please book and pay early to avoid disappointment.

Membership renewals

October and November are busy months for the Club as membership renewals are administered and new members are encouraged to join. Renewals can be done at the Golf Shop or via the website –

If paying annual membership fees causes hardship and presents a problem then please consult Treasurer Neil Stenhouse for consideration of alternative quarterly payment arrangements.

Sisters of Swing

Lady golfers with over 40 or no handicap are invited to please join our ‘Sisters of Swing’ group every Thursday at 2.30 for 3pm tee off. We play a social Ambrose team game of  9 holes – friendly and fun! Just turn up and join Liz and Jillian.

Liz Mellish – Vice President                            ======================================================================================================

Golf Shop

Late last month a group of 10 Volunteers and staff undertook training on use of the Defibrillator located in the clubhouse. It is important that we have some people trained in the use of this lifesaving equipment and if anyone is interested please advise and we will look at organising another training session.

Thanks to Penny, Jenny, Eve, Liz and Anne and Richard for volunteering to help with the Maleny Lions Club Welcome Dinner table clearing contract last month.  And thanks to the Maleny Lions Club for the opportunity – resulting in a $300 donation to the club!

Competition Golf – Monthly Medals

It’s always a stern test from the Blue Markers and congratulations go to Greg Child-Freeman who won the A Grade TFM Monthly Medal (68) on a countback from runner-up Mike Finley with Jack Day (72) third.

Vivian Ronlund (67) won B Grade, 2 clear of runner-up Corey Zammit (69) with Richard Clayton (70) in third. Tom Kennedy (66) won C Grade and the round of the day which earned him the Ist Place Prize Voucher with David Killeen (67) the runner up and Dave Nielsen (68) in third.

Nearest the Pins went to Tom Kennedy on the third and the fifth and Marcus Wellington on the 14th.

The Maleny Property Rentals glassware was won in September by Margaret Trigger (67)  just a shot clear of runner up Christine Lemon (68), with Margaret Goodger a further shot back (69) in third place.

Nearest the Pins went to Christine on the 3rd and Seri Tytherleigh on the 5th.

Incoming Captain’s Corner

Doug JohnstoneAs a relative newcomer to Maleny Golf Club, I feel particularly honoured to be appointed Club Captain for the coming year. I am looking forward to working with the new Match Committee which will include a number of “old” faces.

I would also like to thank Marg Trigger and the outgoing Match Committee for all their hard work over the past year.

Through regular participation in Club competitions and the Friday Chook Run, I have already met, and played with, many Club members and I am looking forward to getting to know many more as the year progresses.

With the next 3 holes to be opened within the next few months, a Legends Tour Pro-Am coming up and the results of the recent Member Survey to be addressed, we have quite an exciting and challenging year ahead of us.

I encourage all eligible members to participate as fully as possible in our future competition program and I wish you all a very enjoyable year of golfing on our wonderful course.  – Doug Johnstone

Outgoing Captain’s Remarks

maleny-golf-club_management_margaret-triggerI enjoyed my few months as Captain and would like to thank both Robin and Karen for their help during this time, especially while I was away on holidays.

I wish Doug all the very best for the forthcoming year. I’m sure he will handle the position with dignity.

I plan to continue on with the Match committee, volunteer committee and the social side of things. Also I will continue to upload all the fixtures on to the computer for the forthcoming year.

A special thank you also to our green staff – Mick and his willing band of helpers – and the volunteers who have been such an important part of this club over the past 12 months. – Marg Trigger

Superintendent’s Course Update

Maintenance Facilty2

Bob Hall & Mike Cumner working on the new maintenance facility project.

Pump Relocation1

Tom Kennedy, Don Lemon and Dave Nielsen working on the pump relocation project.

We have finally reached the pointy end of our new irrigation mainline installation.Our volunteer members have done a fantastic job so a special thanks to all who worked in this huge project. We now have all the pipe in the ground; the pump sheds have been relocated to their new site, power is connected and the tanks are full awaiting commissioning.

Members please be aware that all trenches and turfed areas are considered GUR and relief can be taken from any red dirt within work areas.

Our summer greens renovation program will commence on Monday 23 October and that will coincide with the planting of our new greens on holes 4, 5 and 6 using stolons harvested from our existing greens. Consequently we will need a lot of assistance so I would like to put a call out for volunteers for 9:30am on Monday the 23rd.

Please come armed with a bucket to hold the stolons and help us plant the greens on our new golf holes.

– Mick McCombe

Stop Press – Southern Wetlands Planting Mark 2

Southern Wetland Community Planting2Council has organised a second community planting event for this Sunday 22 October around part of the Southern Wetland so if you were unable to make it last month then here’s another chance to be involved.

This wetland, which lies to the west of our 9th fairway, will be a central feature in our completed 18-hole golf course.

Members will be familiar with the Armstrong Dam wetland, which is now developing as an ecologically healthy wetland between our 2nd and 3rd holes. The fairways act as ecological buffers for the wetland.

We see a similar outcome for the larger southern wetland, with fairways and low vegetation serving as buffers for plant and animal life in the wetland.

The Golf Club encourages members to participate in this event.

Max Whitten

Saturday Saturday 30 September 2017 – TFM 18-Hole Single Stroke Men’s Monthly Medal

It’s always a stern test from the Blue Markers and congratulations go to Greg Child-Freeman who won A Grade (68) on a countback from runner-up Mike Finley with Jack Day (72) third.

Vivian Ronlund (67) won B Grade, 2 clear of runner-up Corey Zammit (69) with Richard Clayton (70) in third.

Tom Kennedy (66) won C Grade and the round of the day which earned him the Ist Place Prize Voucher with David Killeen (67) the runner up ad Dave Nielsen (68) in third.

Nearest the Pins went to Tom Kennedy on the third and the fifth and Marcus Wellington on the 14th.

New faces refresh 2018 Management Committee

Max WhittenThe 2018 Maleny Golf Club Management Committee offers a blend of stability, experience and renewal with the election of a number of fresh new faces at the AGM including new Club Captain Doug Johnstone and incoming Treasurer Neil Stenhouse.

Doug takes over the captaincy from former Vice President and Club Captain Margaret Trigger while Neil fills the position of Treasurer vacated by another retiring committee member Darryl Harbottle.

Long-serving President Dr Max Whitten was re-elected unanimously and unopposed at the meeting held in the Maleny RSL Hall on the evening of Wednesday 27 September to lead the Club through yet another exciting year in its ongoing development.

Also re-elected unanimously and unopposed were the club’s new Vice President Liz Mellish and continuing Secretary Roly Nieper.

There were seven nominations for the five additional non-executive positions on the committee, resulting in the re-election via secret ballot of David Killeen and Tom Bertwistle and election of three new faces in Geoff Smith, Jillian Jones and Keith Shortus.

Liz Mellish

Liz Mellish is the club’s new Vice President

These new members bring fresh perspectives and a diverse range of skills to the committee gained during their careers in a range of professions encompassing banking, local government and business administration, engineering and education.

Dr Whitten thanked outgoing committee members Margaret Trigger, David Edmonds and Darryl Harbottle for their invaluable contribution to the club and also Tom Kennedy who was unsuccessful in his bid for election.


Golf Services Manager Richard Owen departing role

The meeting attended by about 40 members was advised by Dr Whitten that Golf Services Manager Richard Owen was standing down for personal reasons but had offered to continue in the role for an additional period of time until a new Golf Professional with club management credentials was recruited.

Dr Whitten thanked Richard for his efforts over the past two years in managing the golf shop and the volunteer roster and leveraging his public relations and journalistic talents to raise the golf club’s public profile considerably in the absence of any meaningful advertising budget.

Dr Whitten said another significant and exciting year in the club’s development lay ahead including construction of the club’s new maintenance facility and the last six holes to complete Stage 2 of the course.

Strong Financial Position
The 2016-17 accounts presented by David Killeen revealed that the club was in excellent financial shape with adequate funding pathways in place, including grants, to match the current course and facilities development schedules.

Liz Mellish also updated the meeting on plans afoot over coming weeks to obtain the necessary consents required for the club to apply for a temporary liquor permit and foster all-important fellowship at the clubhouse.

Tom Bertwistle

Golf Shop Volunteer Sub-committee chairman Tom Bertwistle (left) and President Max Whitten (right) applauded contributions from many volunteers. Secretary Roly Nieper centre.

New Clubhouse Development Sub-committee

A new Clubhouse Development sub-committee chaired by Liz is to be formed and volunteers are being sought to serve on this and all the other various sub-committees with responsibility for the course maintenance, competition golf, business development, finance, golf services and social events.

If you would like to become involved on any of the club subcommittees then please feel welcome to advise any of the Management Committee members.

Volunteer Contribution Applauded
Significant emphasis was placed during presentations by both Dr Whitten and Golf Shop Subcommittee Chairman Tom Bertwistle on the enormous volunteer contribution during the year toward maintenance of the course and equipment, construction of facilities, Golf Shop operations and catering.

Fee Table


Tuesday 26 September 2017 – 18 Holes Single Stableford Medley

Congratulations go to Dan Casey who carded an impressive score of 43 points to win the day sponsored by Committeeman Tom Bertwistle. Our Runner-up was Rod Waldron on a countback from Bill Reynolds – both with 39 points.
Ladies’ nearest the pins went to Toni Bishop on the 5th and Liz Mellish on the 14th while both the men’s pins on the 3rd and the 12th went to Mike Kapper. Longest Drive went to Bill Reynolds.
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