Category: 2019

John Oxenham Memorial Day Thursday 4th April 2019

What a fantastic day the rain had stop and there was lots of laughs and fun.

John Ecuyer won with a great score of 48 points, in 2nd was Toni Bishop 39 points, in 3rd was Paul Vicary.

In the ball run down Thomas Hallam, David Durack, Jeff Kruse, Don Lemon and Richard Clayton.

Nearest to the pins Toni Bishop for the ladies and Niel Cronk for the men on hole 3, Toni Bishop for the ladies and Thomas Hallam on hole 5,

Grant Flynn on hole 8, Bob Leach on hole 13.

Longest drive Sarah Harding for the ladies and Mick McCombe for the men on hole 16.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Men’s Monthly Medal Saturday 30th March 2019

The A Grade winner was Mike Finley with a nett score of 70, in 2nd Greg Childe-Freeman with a nett score of 78 on a count back from Peter Gilbert.

The B Grade winner was Grant Flynn with a nett score of 73 on a count back from Mike Hallam and Doug Johnstone.

The C Grade winner was Billy Perske with a nett score of 68, in 2nd Ralph Ding with a nett score of 72, in 3rd was Geoff Wilson with a nett score of 73.

Gross Winner was Thomas Hallam.

Nearest to the pins Richard Clayton on hole 3, Tom Bertwistle on hole 5, Greg Childe-Freeman on hole 8, Gary Wright on hole 13.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Strableford Saturday 23rd March 2019

A Grade Winner Rupert Hohls with 39 points, in 2nd Mike Finley with 38 points on a count back from Allan Bridge.

B Grade Winner Chris Pottinger with 45 points, in 2nd Geoff Wilson with 40 points, David Killeen in 3rd with 39 points on a count back from Grant Flynn.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3  Heath Gray , on hole 5 Thomas Hallam, on hole 7 (2nd shot) Geoff Wilson, on hole 8 Marcus Wellington, on hole 13 Rupert Hohls.

For full match play CLICK HERE

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