Category: 2020

Mixed Stableford Tuesday 29th December 2020

A Grade winner was Mike Finley with 39 points, in 2nd was Richard Clayton with 38 points, in 3rd Paul Griffin with 36 points on a count back from Ron Smith and Garth Bailo.

B Grade winner was Ian Dauth with 37 points, in 2nd was Graeme Glover with 36 points on a count back from Malcolm Lower.

A Grade ball run down Corey Zammit, Jimmy Byun, Braydon Otten (Nambour GC), James Kelly, Billy Perske and Nigel Hutton (Nudgee GC).

B Grade ball run down Matthew Wolski, Mitchell Verco (Redcliffe GC), Merv Schultz, Dave Scott, Peter Trounce and Graham Waldron.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Mixed Stableford Saturday 26th December 2020

A Grade winner was Bob Bailo with 37 points, in 2nd was Richard Clayton with 36 points, in 3rd was Garth Bailo with 34 points.

B Grade winner was Chris Zilverschoon with 38 points, in 2nd was Dave Scott with 37 points, in 3rd was Tye Lincoln.

Ball run down Mike Finley, Corey Zammit, John Hay and Ralph Ding.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Mixed Stableford 22nd December 2020

A Grade winner was Paul Griffin with 39 points, in 2nd was Doug Evans with 37 points, in 3rd was Mike Finley with 36 points.

B Grade winner was Jon Fairman with 36 points, in 2nd was Graham Thompson with 33 points, in 3rd was David Durack with 32 points.

Ball run down Ian Dickson, Ian Goodman (Yandina Golf and Country Club), Doug Johnstone, Dave Scott and Bob Whiteley.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Men Monthly Medal 19th December 2020

A Grade winner was Corey Zammit with a nett score of 62, Marcus Wellington in 2nd with a nett score of 66, Mick McCombe in 3rd with a nett score of 69.

B Grade winner was Billy Perske with a nett score of 63, Mike Hallam in 2nd with a nett score of 66 on a count back from Steevie Marriner.

C Grade winner was Andy Johnston with a nett score of 63, Matthew Howie in 2nd with a nett score of 68, Mark Green in 3rd with a nett score of 70.

Ball run for A Grade Tom Hallam, Scott Heywood and AJ Johnston.

Ball run for B Grade Eric Hecht, Carey Catherall and Tom Kennedy.

Ball run for C Grade Tom Berwistle, Tye Lincoln and Ralph Ding.

For full match play CLICK HERE

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