Category: Competition Results

TFM Men’s Monthly Medal Saturday 29th September 2018

Our A Grade winner was Jack Day with a nett score of 65, in 2nd was Rob Bailo with a nett score of 71, in 3rd was Gary Dallyn with a nett score of 74.

Our B Grade winner was Dave Nielsen with a nett score of 71, in 2nd was Paul Viertel with a nett score of 72, in 3rd was Jeff Kruse with a nett score of 73.

Our C Grade winner was David Killeen with a nett score of 62, in 2nd was Ben Haycroft with nett score of 66, in 3rd was Roderic Hames with a nett score of 68.

Overall winners for the day was David Killeen in 1st, Ben Haycroft in 2nd, Roderic Hames in 3rd.

Ball run down Dennis Brown, Niel Cronk, Rob Bailo, Dave Nielsen and Don Lemon.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3 Ben Haycroft, on hole 5 Jack Day, on hole 14 Roderic Hames.

For full match play CLICK HERE

Single Stroke and Putts Saturday 22nd September 2018

Gary Wright won the day with a nett score of 65, Jack Day in 2nd with a nett score of 67, Mike Hallam in 3rd with a nett score of 68 on a countback from Doug Johnstone and Richard Owen.

Ball run down Doug Johnstone, Richard Owen, David Killeen, Marcus Wellington and Stephen Porter,

Our Gross winner was Jack with 70 strokes.

Nearest to the pins Hole 3 Chris Pottinger, Hole 5 Doug Johnstone, Hole 8 David Killeen, Hole 13 Rupert Hohls.

For full match play CLICK HERE

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