Category: Hinterland Golfer

Hinterland Golfer – November 2017


Legends Pro-Am

We hope ALL members will get behind the Legends Pro-Am golf tournament being held at the club on Saturday 16 December.  This is a very big event for Maleny Golf Club and one we hope will become a popular permanent fixture on the PGA’s Sunshine Coast Swing. Visiting professional golfers will enjoy the best of hinterland country golf and Maleny hospitality, food and beverages.

At this stage we have 26 members registered to play and there are five more spots available. If you’d like play then you can still sign up and pay $50, which includes lunch, at the Golf Shop. Already 54 Professionals have entered the tournament are registered to play, exceeding our target field of 52. There are also players representing 15 of our Sponsors registered to play and two visitors have signed up. Visitors are paying $90 (including lunch) to play and there are about five spots still available if you have friends who are interested. Please sign up to play at the Golf Shop before the end of the month.

Media Launch Liz Mellish with Greg Guilford under the media spotlight_23102017

Liz Mellish with Live Life Communities Manager Greg Guilford under the media spotlight

Our key sponsors, Live Life Communities – Maleny Grove have contributed significantly to the $12,000 purse for professionals. The Pacific Motor Group has also put up a fantastic Hole-in-One prize of a Kia Picanto worth $16,000 for an Ace on the Par 3 Third.

Food and beverages sponsors Hotel Maleny and Maleny IGA are contributing generously to goodies for both golfers and visitors/spectators. Brouhaha will have beer to taste and Maleny Food Co will be offering gelato, so please come out and enjoy the carnival happy atmosphere at our very special Maleny Golf Club. Lunch will also be available from our own supreme catering team supported by local service clubs, Lions and Rotary.

Finally TV Channels 7 and 9 will be covering the event and filming on the day for their sports broadcasts as we showcase our course to the world. So come on out and elevate your spirit at the Maleny Golf Club on Saturday 16 December.  ADMISSION IS FREE AND SPECTATORS, VISITORS  AND WALKERS ARE ALL WELCOME!

The next meeting of the Legends Pro Am Coodinating Group will be held at the golf club on Thursday 23 November at 12 noon.

Membership fees and renewals

Membership fees for the 2018 year are due by the end of November. Please attend to your renewals and joining up fees ASAP. You will be requested to show your current membership card and need to be financial to play in competitions and socially from the end of November. You will be charged visitor rates from 1 December if you are not financial by then. Please discuss the option of quarterly payments with Treasurer Neil Stenhouse if required.

Clubhouse project group

The Club House project group will next meet on Thursday 23 November at 10.30am to review and discuss some Concept Plans and 3-d images for the new Club House.
Everyone welcome.

Club Governance Committees

Please check the notice board for the latest Club Governance Committee structure and memberships. If you’d like to contribute to a committee or a club project please approach the relevant committee Chair. We are particularly looking for people interested in supporting the Social/House Committee and maybe the Chook Run Co-ordinators will take the lead here?

Temporary Club House Liquor License – BYO ok

Progress is being made toward getting a permit to sell and distribute alcohol.  To this end a disability access path will be constructed by 4 December and the application for Owners Consent and the Liquor license will be submitted. Hopefully approvals will come through in the New Year.

In the meantime Council has given us BYO clearance. We hope that members will bring their own drinks, put them in the fridge before golf and enjoy some camaraderie after golf. It would be good to see people staying on course at the Club House for the presentations after golf.  With the Chook Run Christmas party on 15 December and the big PGA Legends event on 16 December we hope all members will enjoy socializing with friends on course at Maleny Golf Club. (Of course please remember to take any unused supplies home with you.)

Liz Mellish, Vice President


Xmas golfChristmas Party

Don’t forget the 2017 Christmas Party is being held on Thursday 7 December 2017 at Maleny Manor. Please register your attendance and pay at the Golf Shop. Numbers are strictly limited to 110 and the cost per head will be $60. Tickets are still available but please book and pay without delay to avoid disappointment.

Competition Golf – Monthly Medals

It’s always a stern test from the Blue Markers and congratulations go to Jimmy Byun who won the A Grade TFM Monthly Medal (68), with Mike Finley (74) the runner up and Rob Bailo (75) third.

Corey Zammit (73) won B Grade, 3 clear of runner-up Paul Viertel with Peter Gilbert (79) third. David Killeen (70) won C Grade on a countback from Dave Nielsen with Isaac Nunn (74) third.

Nearest the Pins went to Jimmy Byun on the 3rd and David Killeen on the 5th.

Ladies results to be advised.

Captain’s Corner

The Match Committee for the new golfing year has been installed and comprises Marg Trigger, Robin Hay, Karen Heading and Tom Kennedy, along with yours truly. The Committee is well advanced in finalising our 2018 playing schedule and putting together a complete list of Zone and District fixtures – participation in which will be open to members of our Club.

One such event, which was recently hosted by the Gympie Golf club, was the North Coast Zone Ladies Foursomes Closed Championships played over 27 holes.  Congratulations to Liz Mellish and Seri Tytherleigh who represented our Club at the event and were Gross Score Runners-up in Division 2 – just one stroke behind the winning home team. Our ladies also performed very well in a field of about 120 at the recent Pacific Harbour Cup Open Day and at the Bribie Island Ladies’ Invitation Day.  Flying the flag for the men, Denis Hickey recently had a good win at Kilcoy’s Veterans Day competition.

On Tuesday 14 November, Maleny Golf Club hosted 40 players from throughout the Glasshouse Mountains and Sunshine Coast Zones who competed in an annual inter-zone Matchplay competition for the Greg Paul Perpetual Trophy.

The day was a huge success, both financially and from a promotional viewpoint, with the participants being very happy with the course and some volunteering that they will be back for another game. The event is already scheduled to be held at Maleny again next year.


That’s all for now.
Good golfing.

Superintendent’s Course Update

The greens have responded very well following the renovation work undertaken last month. They should continue to improve and can be expected to be presented at a very high standard by the time we host our PGA Legends Pro-Am in mid-December.

Haydan and MarkCompletion of the new irrigation system has significantly enhanced our capacity to water the greens more efficiently and effectively, including our three new holes. However, there are too many areas to mark with white outlines as Ground Under Repair so golfers should consider any red dirt patches associated with the recent construction work as GUR and apply the rules accordingly.

The new greens have been progressing very well as the stolons have struck, however they may take a little longer to grow in because we elected not to cover them in hessian as we did with the original greens because we are not under such time pressure to get these holes in play.

There is still quite a lot of work to do on these holes but the fairways are starting to be manicured now and they are really starting to take shape with a play dated anticipated some time in February next year.

PS – Speed Limit on Obi Lane

The narrow approach to the Golf Club is via a quiet rural residential lane with a 50kph speed limit. Please always be considerate of the residents and observe the speed limit in Obi Lane while on your way to and from the club. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Hinterland Golfer – September 2017

Course Construction Update

DSC_0244_Mission accomplished Leading golf course designer and constructor David Burrup (right) with Maleny Golf Club President Max Whitten (centre) and Superintendent Mick McCombe_e

Mission accomplished: leading golf course designer and constructor David Burrup (right) with Maleny Golf Club President Max Whitten (centre) and Superintendent Mick McCombe

Maleny Golf Club remains on track to have 12 holes in play early next year following completion of bulk earthworks and installation of irrigation on the next three holes.

David Burrup Golf Course and Sports Turf Designs was contracted to undertake the earthworks construction which was completed in just 16 days during August.

Club President Dr Max Whitten said installation of the irrigation system was now well advanced in preparation for stolonising the new greens in conjunction with renovation of the existing nine greens renovation in late October.

“David Burrup and his team are highly experienced and have done an excellent job in shaping the greens and preparing these new holes which will expand our golf course to 12 holes,” Dr Whitten said.

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Overhead shot of the new holes taken by Owen Foley of Above and Beyond Photography with a drone showing the recently-installed irrigation mainline.

“The Club has also received Council approval to construct a modern maintenance facility to maintain the course at a very high standard and work on this building is also now getting underway.”

Another project being undertaken simultaneously is the removal and relocation of the pump sheds on the right hand side of the second fairway to a position behind the 7th tee where there will be minimal interference to players’ golf shots. .

Dr Whitten said in addition to a Queensland Government grant of $100,000, Sunshine Coast Council had budgeted to provide $450,000 over the next two financial years towards the design, construction and establishment of stage two of the Maleny golf course to expand it from 9 to 18 holes.

“We have received support from both the state and local government as well as an enormous amount of support from local volunteers and our plan is to complete the final six holes in 2018,” Dr Whitten said.

“We have no doubt that once the Graham Papworth-designed course is completed, it will be one of the best community golf courses on the Sunshine Coast.”

Annual General Meeting

Don’t forget the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Maleny Golf Club will be held in the Maleny RSL Club at 7:30pm on Wednesday 27th September.

The Notice of Meeting, Meeting Agenda, Management Committee Nomination Form and Proxy Voting Form were circulated to members via email on September 1.

The Minutes of the 2016 AGM held on the 29th September, 2016 and a proposed change to the Constitution of the Club were also provided.

The RSL Bar will be open from 7.00pm so come early for a drink and catch-up with members. If you require further information please contact the club secretary Roly Nieper by email to or

Trading Update and Golf Shop

July trading was up significantly on the previous year and the trend continued in August – albeit at a reduced rate. Golf revenue net of membership receipts was pleasingly up 39% on the previous July’s while August’s result was up almost 11%. Significantly, Visitor Green Fees and Cart Hire were again the main source of the revenue increase and the outlook for September is also very positive with a number of big tournaments scheduled.

A big vote of thanks must go to Neil Stenhouse who volunteered to help run the Golf Shop and coordinate the weekly staffing roster while Manager Richard Owen was on leave. Neil is to be commended for doing a fantastic job during Richard’s absence and so too our wonderful group of volunteers – some of whom undertook additional shifts to fill gaps in the roster.

Call for Lions Welcome Dinner Volunteers

Every year the Maleny Lions Club organises a Welcome Dinner at the Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion for new residents and the golf club gets involved by contracting to provide a team to assist with clearing the tables after the main course and dessert. This year’s event is being held on Wednesday 20 September and we need a team of six or so volunteers who can commit to help out between 7pm and 9:30pm.

If you would like to help please advise either Richard Owen at the Golf Shop or President Max Whitten.

Southern Wetland Planting

Southern Wetland Community PlantingCouncil has organised a community planting event for Sunday 17 September around part of the Southern Wetland.

This wetland, which lies to the west of our 9th fairway, will be a central feature in our completed 18-hole golf course.

Members will be familiar with Armstrong Dam, which is now developing as an ecologically healthy wetland between our 2nd and 3rd holes.

The fairways act as ecological buffers for the wetland. We see a similar outcome for the larger southern wetland, with fairways and low vegetation serving as buffers for acquatic plants and animals in the wetland.

The Golf Club encourages members to participate in this event. – Max Whitten

Club Championships

The men’s and ladies’ club championships were held during the last week of August and first week of September and hotly contested – the men’s in three divisions A, B & C Grades and the ladies in two A and B Grades.

Congratulations go to Garth Bailo who successfully defended his title to retain the Rickaby Cup as Men’s Club Champion and Robin Hay who won the Ladies’ Championship. Sue Hardy took the Ladies’ B Grade honours while Chris Plummer won the Men’s B Grade Championship and Tom Kennedy prevailed in C Grade. Richard Clayton earned the Senior Men’s title.

For the full Match Reports follow these links: Men’s ChampionshipsLadies’ Championships.

Captain’s Corner

After an enjoyable eight weeks travelling to Darwin, Mt Isa and Birdsville, I am back in Maleny.

Firstly, please note there will be a Master’s Match Play golf event being conducted here in Maleny on Tuesday 17 October. This means there will be no regular Maleny Competition that day, but the Men are more than welcome to play on Wednesday 18 October, after the Ladies have teed off.

The Match Committee plans to re-introduce a competition on Thursdays. This competition will be a 9-hole event to begin with and be open from 7:00am until 4pm. Players will be able to take a card, complete it and place it in the return cards box and pay the competition fee after completing their round if the golf shop is unattended.

Pennant team players are advised that the club’s Pennant Team shirts are being ordered so please see Robin Hay.

A Maleny State High School Chappy Open Day is to be held at the golf club on Sunday 15 October so please support this day.

Thanks to all those members who have loaned carts for our Glasshouse Mountains Master’s 4BBB event here next Monday, 11 September. Also a reminder of our Pink and Blue Day next Wednesday, 13 September and that we still need raffle prizes for both days.

A big thank you to all who helped as spotters for the Championships and congratulations to all the winners.

“Golf for the most part relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules of golf. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the Spirit of the Game of Golf.

Happy Golfing, Marg Trigger (Captain)

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe

Despite the absence of rain we are already starting to see kikuyu shoots coming up on the newly shaped fairways! The earthworks and irrigation pipeline servicing the new holes have been completed. Work is now about to commence on trenching across the exisiting course to connect the new holes up to the irrigation system which will impact the 1st, 8th and 9th holes.

Please take care around any of the open trenches and give way to golf course staff and volunteers while they are engaged in delivering this next stage of infrastructure. Everything has gone exceptionally well but we could do with a drop of rain right now. According to member feedback, the course played very well during the club championships and we are very happy to have been able to produce a great course which delivered a good test of golf.



Hinterland Golfer – July-August bumper edition

Apex funds Defibrillator for Golf Course & Community Precinct

A defibrillator has been installed in the Golf Shop

A defibrillator has been installed in the Golf Shop

The lives of future heart attack victims within the Maleny Community Precinct and its surrounds may well be saved thanks to Apex Maleny’s insightful decision to help fund the purchase of a defibrillator now installed at the Maleny Golf Club.

Golf Club President Dr Max Whitten said the defibrillator, which cost about $2500, could be readily accessed to assist anyone in need on the golf course, the wider precinct or on the surrounding walking trails.

“This is a state-of-the art piece of equipment which is portable, lightweight and easy to use if the need arises,” Dr Whitten said.

“We want to thank the Maleny Apex Club on behalf of the community for providing the funds to purchase this equipment which we know can greatly improve a heart attack victim’s chances of survival if deployed and used in time.”

Incoming Apex Maleny President Mr Barry Meager said members had been delighted to be in a position to support the Golf Club’s community-focused initiative.

“Apex is always happy to get behind projects and initiatives of benefit to the broader community and the purchase of a defibrillator for the golf club and community precinct certainly ticked all the right boxes,” Mr Meager said.

The golf shop is staffed between 7am and 5pm daily and can be contacted on 5499 9960.

Solar Power Operational

Installation of two separate state of the art solar energy systems by Gary Phillips of Negawatts Solar & Electrical was completed in June and Energex has since signed off on the installation. The 6Kw system, which incorporates a lithium battery, will cut the cost of keeping our fleet of 10 golf carts charged and reduce our environmental footprint at the same time.

A separate 4Kw system is connected to the grid and services the club house. Thanks to Gary for a first class job. Funding for the solar systems came from a $15,000 grant from the Commonwealth Government.

New Cart Container and Dark Sky Update.

Darkl Sky public viewing night

Dark Sky public viewing night

A new 20-foot container has been delivered and installed as a result of the infrastructure-sharing agreement we have forged with the Sunshine Coast Dark Sky astronomers who are members of the Brisbane Astronomical Society. In return for use of two of our lower level cart sheds, the astronomers have supplied the container which is being wired to accommodate charging for two of electric carts and fitted out with shelving to provide additional storage.

Thanks to Richard Clayton for paving the floor of one of the cart sheds for storing the telescopes.

The Dark Sky Park inaugural public viewing night was a tremendous success with more than 100 budding stargazers visiting on the night for a sample of what the heavens have to offer. The next public viewing night for those interested has been scheduled for the night of Saturday July 22. Click here for more detail.

Practice Nets

Thanks to Mick McCombe, Andrew Barnes, John Tytherleigh and Tom Kennedy for getting our much needed driving net installed. There was a lot more work involved than might meet the eye but it has been tested and is fully operational. Now members and visitors will be able to warm up with long irons and drivers before teeing off.

Trading Update and Golf Shop

June trading was up markedly on the previous year but down on May’s result – largely due to almost two weeks of un-seasonal wet weather. Golf revenue net of membership receipts was pleasingly up 35% on the previous June’s revenues. Significantly, Visitor Green Fees and Cart Hire were again the main source of revenue increase.

Golf Shop Manager Richard Owen will be on leave until the end of August so there will be no edition of Hinterland Golfer in August. Neil Stenhouse will be working with the Management Committee during Richard’s absence to manage the Golf Shop and coordinate the weekly staffing roster.

There are still some vacant shifts on the golf shop roster each week and there is always someone away on holidays or indisposed for one reason or another creating a vacancy. So if you have some spare time available and want to lend a hand, why not consider volunteering to work in the golf shop?

Tee signage

As a result of a lot of effort all the tees on the course now have signage providing distances and a schematic layout of the hole ahead. These should be of great assistance to visitors who have had to rely on their scorecards for such information.

The cost has more than been offset by the local businesses who have embraced an opportunity to support the club by sponsoring a hole in return for marketing space.

Queensland Cross Country Championships

QA Cross Country with dam background 30July 2016Maleny Golf Club will again be hosting the Queensland Cross Country Championships on Saturday 29 July exposing the course to many visitors to the area as part of the our broader community engagement strategy.

Consequently social play will be limited and the course will be closed circa 10:30am.

There will be no 18-hole completion as a result,but a trial 18-hole competition will be held the following day, Sunday 30 July. The management committee apologises for any inconvenience.


Competition Golf – Monthly Medals & Club Championships

From left: June C Grade Medal Winner Neil Gould, Maleny Mug winner Tome Kennedy and B Grade Medal winner Richard Clayton. Absent A Grade winner Marcus Wellington.

From left: June C Grade Medal Winner Neil Gould, Maleny Mug winner Tom Kennedy and B Grade Medal winner Richard Clayton. Absent A Grade winner Marcus Wellington.

The pin positions were particularly tough, presenting another stern test off the Blue Markers for the TFM Awards Men’s Monthly Medal on Saturday June 24. Congratulations to Marcus Wellington who carded a net 67 to win the A Grade Medal while Mike Finley was the runner up (70) on a count back from Blake Wellington. Richard Clayton won the B Grade Medal (again!) with a net 68 – 2 clear of runner up Peter Gilbert with Chris Plummer in 3rd on 71.

Neil Gould had another terrific round to card a net 64 – the best net score of the day which earned him both the C Grade Medal and a $30 voucher. Noah Child-Freeman was the runner up on 71 with Geoff Smith in 3rd on 73. Nearest the pins on the 3rd and 5th went to Bill Reynolds, Marcus Wellington on the 12th and Mike Finley on the 14th.

Tom Kennedy mounted yet another successful defence of the Maleny Mug when it transpired that his only rival on the day had to be disqualified for not being of the requisite age! The Maleny Mug has until now been held in conjunction with the Monthly Medal competition to enable players over 70 years and who are not confident hitting off the blue makers to participate in a competition on the day off the White Tees.

In future members of any age who do not wish to play in the Monthly Medal from the Blue Tees can compete for the Monthly Mug. Hopefully this may boost the number of Saturday players on Monthly Medal days.

Seri Tytherleigh (centre) celebrating her win with from left: Margaret Goodger, Anne Devane, Penny Edwards and Christine Lemon.

Seri Tytherleigh (centre) celebrating her win with from left: Margaret Goodger, Anne Devane, Penny Edwards and Christine Lemon.

Despite the small field the ladies competition was fierce and the desire to win undiminished and it was Seri Tytherleigh who took home the coveted Maleny Property Rentals glassware by carding a net 74 to win on a countback from Penny Edwards.

Penny looked set to triumph until some errant shots on the last two holes derailed her campaign. Margaret Goodger came in 3rd place with 76. Seri also claimed nearest the pin on the 3rd.

The Club Championships are not far away now and will be contested next month over 54 Holes (26 & 27 August and 2nd September). They will be played according to the conditions laid down in the front of MGC Fixture Book although the graded handicaps will be amended slightly as per the Monthly Medal divisions.

Thanks to Drummond Golf Maroochydore for sponsoring the prizes for the Men’s Championships with vouchers to the total value of $600. The Ladies Championship will be contested over 18 Holes on Wednesday 30 August and is sponsored by Easton Lawyers.

Captain’s Corner

Preparations are well underway to field a Pennants Team in the Glasshouse Mountains Zone District competition next year. We have been able to recruit an exceptionally strong team led by Marcus Wellington and Mal Ewing.

We are in the process of securing a sponsor to provide Pennant Shirts and cover some of the other associated costs which will include hosting two home rounds. The team’s participation will help lift the Maleny Golf Club’s profile and prestige within the district stretching from Kingaroy to Bribie Island.

The club is also focused on promoting junior golf and a small steering group of Bob Whiteley, Mal Ewing and Karen Heading will look at what processes and strategies might be needed to encourage more juniors to play golf at the club prior to engagement of a full-time club professional. The club will host a Glass House Mountains Zone junior golf competition on Sunday July 23 from 8.00am – 12.30pm.

Please mark the following dates in your diaries: Monday, 11 September, District Seniors 4BBB with a shotgun start at 8:30am. Wednesday, 13 September, Mixed Pink and Blue fund raising day for breast and prostate cancer.

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe

Haydan Ridley (left) with Mick McCombe on his first day.

Haydan Ridley (left) with Mick on his first day.

Members may not be aware but we have just taken on a new staff member Hayden Ridley as Assistant Superintendent. His role will primarily be maintain our existing golf course while my attention switches to construction of the three new holes.

There are still a few pitch marks in the greens but I have noticed a marked improvement over recent weeks so please keep up the good work of repairing pitch marks. However, we continue to see quite a few divots left on the Par 3 Tees so please assist by filling these with sand while waiting for the greens to clear.

The new bunkers on the 3rd hole are settling down nicely in time for club championships later in the month. Thanks to Rob Bailo, John Hay and Jimmy Buyan for assisting with their construction.

During construction of the new holes we are likely to have some open irrigation trenching which may impact play next month so please use common sense in regard to these. Any residual red dirt areas should be considered as GUR even if not marked as such.

Stop Press – Get your Bumper Sticker

bumperIf you’d like to help promote the Maleny Golf Club whenever you are out and about on the road then ask for a bumper sticker at the Golf Shop. They’ve just arrived and are a great way to help build awareness about our fantastic golf course.



Hinterland Golfer – June 2017

Negawatts 4

Solar panels being installed on the cart sheds to help cut costs and reduce our carbon footprint.

Installation of Solar Energy System
Installation of the solar energy system by Gary Phillips of Negawatts Solar & Electrical got underway this month and is now being commissioned. The 5Kva system will soon be operational, cutting the cost of keeping our fleet of 10 golf carts charged and reducing our environmental footprint at the same time.

Purchase and fitting of the state-of-the-art system has been made possible following receipt of a $15k Federal Grant courtesy of Andrew Wallace – the LNP Federal Member for Fisher.

Trading Update and Golf shop
Trading in May was not quite as brisk as April’s due to the impact of Easter –  but golf revenue excluding membership receipts was pleasingly still up more than 18% on the previous May with noticeable gains in visitor green fees and cart hire.

It’s great to see our new volunteers taking on rostered shifts. Many thanks also to those volunteers who have provided longer-range commitments to help collate a roster to cover the entire period while our manager Richard Owen is on leave during July and August.

There are still vacant shifts on the golf shop roster each week though and always someone away on holidays or indisposed for one reason or another creating a vacancy.  So if you have some spare time available and want to lend a hand, why not consider volunteering to work in the golf shop?

Taking on a shift need not be a commitment of more than a couple of hours plus some initial training. If interested in getting involved please get in touch with Richard Owen by phoning 5499 9960 or emailing

Dark Sky Park Update
FullSizeRender (006)_1The golf club has entered into an agreement with the Sunshine Coast Dark Sky Astronomers Group under which they will supply a small shipping container to be installed at the end of the existing cart storage sheds.

This container is to be wired and fitted out to store and charge two golf carts – freeing up one of the existing cart sheds for storage use by members of the Astronomy group.

The next public viewing night for those interested in observing the heavens has been scheduled for the evening of Saturday July 1. Click HERE for more details.


Competition Golf – Monthly Medals

From Left May Monthly Medal Winners: Mike Finley, Peter Gilbert and Geoff Hocking

From Left May Monthly Medal Winners: Mike Finley, Peter Gilbert and Geoff Hocking

A record field of 35 players contested the Men’s Monthly Medal and Maleny Mug competitions on Saturday 27 May and Superintendent Mick McCombe’s course set up did not disappoint due to some very tricky pin positions!

Congratulations to Mike Finley who won the A Grade Medal with a net 70 as Runner-up to Troy Edwards from Kilcoy, who again carded a net 70 but could not win the medal.  Similarly, Peter Gilbert carded a net 70 to earn the B Grade Medal as a runner-up to Russ Rylance (Cooroy) who had a score of net 66.

Geoff Hocking was the star of the day winning the C Grade Medal with a net 61 off a handicap of 36 – which was 13 shots lower by the time he reached the carpark. Runner-up was Chris Pottinger with a net 67.

Nearest the pins went to David Killeen on the 12th after putting a 210m tee shot 1.5m from the hole, and Rex Clark on the 14th.

May MPR Monthly Medal winner Liz Mellish with the spoils of victory.

May MPR Monthly Medal winner Liz Mellish.

The winner of the Maleny Property Rentals May Ladies Monthly Medal and glassware, run earlier in the week on Wednesday May 24, was Liz Mellish who carded an impressive score of Net 66 from 87 off the stick.

Liz also won nearest the pin on the 3rd and a $20 prize voucher donated by Margaret Goodger who came 3rd with a net 74.

Our Runner Up was Christine Lemon (73). Nearest the Pin on the 5th went to Anne Devane.



Junior Golf
GMZJGA Parent and Child Day 28052017The club, in conjunction with the Glasshouse Mountains Zone Junior Golf Association, held a tremendously successful Parent and Child golf day on Sunday May 28 with 56 players taking part in the 9-hole, 2 Ball Ambrose event followed by a BBQ lunch.

The gross winners were Steve & Matthew Comer and the Runners Up Greg and Chase Randell (pictured in our feature photo) while the nett winners were Michael & Sophie Thompsen with Brad and Joseph Drinnan the Runners Up.

Special thanks to Shaun and Sharon O’Hara and Mal Ewing for their organisational efforts and to the volunteer catering team of Michele Retschlag, Paul Lowe, Mandy McCosker, Ralph Ding and Anne Devane.

Sponsors Golf Day

Peter Gilbert - ambassador for the winning MPR team

Peter Gilbert – member of the winning MPR team

Maleny Golf Club held its inaugural Sponsors Golf Day on Sunday 21 May which proved to be great fun for all involved. We played a 9-hole 4-ball Ambrose and the gross winner was the team of Peter Gilbert, Dave Nielsen, Tom Kennedy and Jimmy Byuan with a 5 under Par score of 30 representing MPR Maleny Property Rentals!

The net winner was the team of Noela Cowell and Avrelle, Dan and Jason Montagnat with a score of 22 representing Trilogy Tax Maleny!

In 3rd place was the Team of Liz Mellish, Richard Owen, Bob Whiteley, Scott Alexander of Mountain View Day Lily Nursery and Michael Kors with a score of 22 for Maleny Golf Club. We also had teams representing Maleny Bookkeeping, Maleny Smash Repairs and Lattice & Shutters – Sunshine Coast.

President Max Whitten thanking sponsors.

President Max Whitten thanking sponsors.

Longest Drive on the 6th went to Jason Montagnat on the 6th and Dan Montagnat on the 7th. Nearest the Pin on the 3rd went to Kerrin Tytherleigh.

Quite a few Sponsors were unable to be with us today for one reason or another but we will be holding another Sponsors Day later in the year. Thank you all for your wonderful support.

Thanks also to Paul and Leslie Lowe for their superb catering effort as the club layout and food were fantastic and to Liz Mellish for her organisational input. President Max Whitten was also on hand to thank our sponsors on behalf of the committee and members.

Captain’s Corner with Margaret Trigger
Firstly, I would like to thank our Superintendent Mick McCombe, Mark Kearney and the band of volunteers who have the course looking so magnificent at the moment.

Our first ever Ladies Invitation day on May 22 was a huge success. Many favourable comments were passed on to me from visiting ladies about the wonderful condition of the course and the quality of the food we prepared and served on the day.

Many thanks to the men who manned the bunkers on the day and helped the ladies pull buggies up the hill from the Ninth. Our only problem on the day was a computer glitch, mainly due to MiClub upgrading their system the previous week. This was all a great learning experience from which we can benefit when holding future tournaments.A big thank you also to those who provided prizes for the raffle.

Aida Lavings, the first visitor to score a Hole in One during a competition round at Maleny Golf Course extracting her ball from the cup on the Signature Par 3 Third Hole.

Aida Lavings, with playing partners Penny Edwards, Margaret Trigger, Joy Hatton and Liz Mellish on the Signature Par 3 Third Hole.

Congratulations particularly must go to Aida Lavings from Nanango Golf Club. Aida will go down in the Club’s annals for her perfect tee shot on the Par 3 3rd Hole as the first visiting golfer (male or female) to score a Hole in One on the course during competition. Her feat also helped generate some welcome publicity to further promote awareness about our great golf course which is certainly a gem in the hinterland!

Competition fields seem to be improving weekly, especially on Monthly Medal days. The Ladies day on Wednesday is popular as is the weekly Chook Run on a Friday afternoon.

With several key members taking holidays in the following months (including myself) those with MiClub administration rights will be called on to help fill with competition management.

Margaret Trigger – Captain

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe
No the greens aren’t dead! As we come into winter the greens turn brown and will become much quicker than they do through the summer. However, they have been aerated recently which has made them a little more receptive to approach shots. Consequently, I’ve noticed an increase in the number of pitch marks on them and ask that members please help me out by taking care to repair their own pitch marks as well as any others they see while time permits.

Driving Net

Our new driving net with a view will soon be ready for use to help hone your swing off the tee.

Construction of the second new bunker on the 3rd hole is now well advanced and should be completed towards the end of the month. The rock gully below the 3rd tees to slow the water flow down the hill is also nearing completion thanks to the efforts of our volunteer crew.
Members will also note that we are constructing a driving net at the end of the buggy sheds and I expect this to be completed quickly and in use.

The most frequent question I’m being asked by members relates to the start of work on the next three holes. And the answer is that work has already started. A lot of work has already been done on the irrigation design and planning and obtaining quotes for product and materials. Consequently, I expect construction work to get underway later next month.
Mick McCombe

Hinterland Golfer – May 2017

From Left Judith, Max Whitten and Roly Nieper signing the Lease Documents for the extended 30 Year Lease (H)_eClub secures 30-year lease and funding for 18 hole vision

Maleny Golf Club marked yet another milestone this month with the official signing of a new 30-year lease agreement accommodating the entire 18-hole layout.

The documents were formally signed on Friday 5 May by President Max Whitten and Secretary Roly Nieper in the presence of local JP Judy Phipps (pictured).

They were then presented for execution by the Sunshine Coast Council and subsequent lodgement with the Queensland Titles Office.

“This is an historical occasion for the club and we particularly want to thank Councillor Jenny McKay and Deputy Mayor Tim Dwyer for their efforts in marshalling Council’s support behind this significant, long-term, community project,” Dr Whitten said.

“We are also pleased to advise that we have reached agreement with Council officers for delivery of the project financing required for construction of the second nine holes in three tranches as provided for in our staged construction schedule.”

Finalisation of the lease will also enable the club to quickly move ahead with plans to build a new maintenance facility. More about that in a coming Newsletter.

Trading Update and Golf shop

Trading was up markedly during April – boosted by good weather over Easter as well as strong competition fields and social golf bookings. Golf revenue net of membership receipts was up 27% on the previous April with noticeable gains in visitor green fees and cart hire.

Tv (2)Many thanks to Victor Muscat who responded to our request last month and donated a TV on which we are able to promote our sponsors and display competition Leader Boards.

We also managed to pick up a reasonably priced display cabinet for our growing collection of Silverware and Plaques.

It’s great to see our new volunteers taking on rostered shifts. However, there are still vacant shifts on the golf shop roster each week and always someone away on holidays or indisposed for one reason or another creating a vacancy.

So if you have some spare time available and want to lend a hand, why not consider volunteering to work in the golf shop?

Taking on a shift need not be a commitment of more than a couple of hours plus some initial training. If interested in getting involved please get in touch with Richard Owen by phoning 5499 9960 or emailing

Competition Golf – Monthly Medals

Sue Hardy being presented with the MPR glassware by Match Committee member Robin Hay

Sue Hardy (left) with Robin Hay

Congratulations go to Sue Hardy who won the Maleny Property Rentals April Monthly Medal after carding an impressive net 64. Sue beat Runner Up Beth Glover (69) by 5 strokes! Karen Heading was 3rd with a net 71.

Nearest the Pins went to Beth on the 12th and Liz Mellish on the 14th.

It’s always a stern test of golf off the blue markers and Troy Edwards from Kilcoy Golf Club fired a creditable net 68 to card the best A Grade round and win the Prize Voucher.

How good is golf! Grinning C Grade Medal Winner Mark Green.

How good is golf! Grinning C Grade Medal Winner Mark Green.

Unfortunately for Troy he has not yet joined the club’s membership lists so the TFM April Monthly Medal went to runner-up Blake Wellington (again) with a net 70 on a count back from Garth Bailo.

Paul Viertel had a very good day winning the B Grade medal with a net 69 as well as Richard Clayton’s Birdie Bag for his effort on the 15th. Runner up was Rex Clark with a net 71 on a countback from Chris Pottinger.

The C Grade medal went to Mark Green with a net 70 on a count back from Mike Burgis with Jon Fairman third on 72.

Nearest the pins went to Greg Childe-Freeman on the 3rd and Jon Fairman on the 14th.

Junior Golf

Such was the success of the experimental parent and junior golf day last month that the Glasshouse Mountains Zone Junior Golf Association has asked if we could stage another on Sunday May 28.

The Committee said yes to a shotgun start at 12:30pm for a 9-hole, 2 Ball Ambrose event to be followed by a BBQ lunch.

The cost is $35 per team including green fees, a burger and a cold drink each. Please book via the GMZJGA Facebook site or directly through the golf shop.

Members who regularly play socially on Sundays should note that the golf club also has a large social golf club booking of 30 players teeing off from 7am the same day.

Legends ProAm Sponsors sought

Maleny Golf Club’s PGA Legends ProAm sponsorship package has been well received by the local business community and this exciting tournament now looks set to go ahead on Saturday 16 December.

Stay tuned for more information. However, there are still some great sponsorship opportunities available so if you know any business owners who might be interested, please suggest that they get in touch with Richard Owen at the golf shop.

 Captain’s Corner with Margaret Trigger

Winter is upon us so could competition players please note that our Competition tee times now run from 8-9am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. The Friday Chook Run will also now start at 2pm as will the Sunday Competition until Spring.

It has come to my attention that many players are not remaining for presentations on both Men’s and Ladies Monthly Medal days. It would be greatly appreciated if players could remain for presentations after such sponsored events if possible.

The divisions for the Monthly Medal and Championships in our computer match templates have been rectified to reflect the divisions as they appear in our fixture book: Men – (A) 0-12, (B) 13-20, (C) 21-36; Ladies – (A) 0-25 & (B) 26-45.

Additional hazard signs are to be erected near the water course on Hole 4 as well as additional out of bounds signs down the left-hand side of the fairway on this hole.

The Match Committee has developed a list of course rules for visitors now available in the golf shop.

Margaret Trigger

Ladies Invitational – assistance sought

Maleny Golf Club will host a Ladies Invitational tournament on Monday May 22 and a field of up to 72 players is expected. If anyone with a private cart is prepared to loan it to the club on the day please contact Margaret Trigger. Your help would be greatly appreciated and you will also receive the member’s rate hire fee.

The club is also calling for donations of raffle prizes on the day. Please just drop off your donations in the basket in the clubhouse.

Furthermore, the Match Committee is seeking help on the day from male members to act as spotters and bunker rakers, so if you can assist please also contact Margaret or Richard.

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe

Pitch Marks etcI saw this sign (left) on a website recently and thought it might serve to help impress upon members just how important it is to try and leave your course in better condition after playing your round than when you teed off.

Based on the metrics cited on the sign, we could expect more than 52,000 pitch marks a year on our greens here in Maleny and we are clearly getting busier by the week!

A couple of websites (HERE and HERE) currently rank Maleny at No 3 on their lists o Sunshine Coast golf course to play. Golf courses are critically dependent on the quality of their greens.

So please invest a little extra time repairing pitchmarks while your are on the greens to help maintain our quality putting surfaces and protect our hard won reputation. Remember to also take a sand bucket with you and fill your divots and those of others who’ve failed to do so. If we all treat every hole as a repair hole whenever we play, our course will be all the better for it!

The new back right bunker on the 3rd hole should be in play within a couple of weeks following completion, now that we have the materials, as will the new Ladies Tee on the 1st.

Mick McCombe – Superintendent

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