Competition to resume at MGC – special conditions.

Dear member,

The Management Committee completed a further review of our constrained operations today, taking into account developments with the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two weeks.

I am pleased to announce competition golf will now re-commence on Saturday 9th May 2020. It will be a gradual return, initially limited to Saturdays only, and will involve introduction of a modified scoring system using a special app on your smart phones. This is being done to avoid a need for the Match Committee to handle score cards and face exposure to associated COVID-19 risks.

These new scoring arrangements will be a big shift for many of us, and for everyone to become comfortable it is felt best we steadily ease back into our full competition program. In this regard feedback from members will play an important role in shaping the way ahead.

All of the safety protocols outlined in earlier newsletters will remain in place. Captain, Robin Hay, will shortly write to you in more detail about revised plans for running the competitions, including arrangements for those members who do not have a smart phone for recording their scores.

The Management Committee’s decision today is a start toward normal life again at our golf club and, without wanting to dampen the moment, progress with the pandemic will remain under close watch.

With everyone continuing to observe all the safety measures, for which we thank you, let’s hope earlier limitations imposed on our sport will gradually become a thing of the past.

As always please continue to take care.

With kind regards

Jeff Kruse


29 April 2020

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