Golf Club News No. 3

Our President regularly sends out updates of latest happenings.

Dear Member,

There is a lot happening in the golf club at present.

Maleny Golf Club’s new Website.
Our our own website is up and running,
Please take a look. You’ll find a lot of information about current events, results, progress with our course and so on. It is still a ‘work in progress’, but it is already a very professional and user-friendly site. Jon Dunkley created the site, and Garry Mayer manages its content. Many thanks to members, Jon and Garry, for making this dream a reality. The website will become our main means of keeping in touch with members. For example, you can learn about the Sunshine Coast Cross Country Run on Golf land at the Precinct next Sunday, 19 May.

Maleny Club Groove.
You can find the latest copy of Paul Stratford’snewsletter on our website. This is the second edition of Paul’s newsletter, in which he provides insights from the golfing world as well as letting us know about clinics and lessons. A great opportunity for kids is the new series of 5 clinics starting on 21st May, and there is a series for adults starting on 22nd May which will include a game on our own ‘golf course’!

8 hole practice circuit.
A reminder too of our 8 hole competition on Thursday afternoons, starting at 2.30pm. We go twice around the 4 hole practice circuit, followed by a small get-together afterwards, for those who wish to stay. This is open to members and visitors, and don’t worry if you don’t have a handicap (you’ll be given one!). You may use the practice circuit at any time on Thursdays, and for $5 you can play 8 holes.

Course construction.
On the development front, things are progressing steadily. We are now at the stage of having our Operational Works application assessed, and are negotiating the terms of our lease. We are also resolving the conditions of the financial assistance from council. We are optimistic that these hurdles will be behind us in the next couple of months, and that we can get on with the real work or constructing our long-awaited course before the next growing season.

GOLF Link, weekly comps at Woodford or Caboolture.
In the meantime, please continue to support activities at the driving range. And for those keen to get out playing on an 18 hole course, a reminder that you can get your GOLF Link handicap through our club, and go each week with a group of our members to play in competitions (or socially) at other clubs.

Contact John Oxenham for details on 5494 2995 or .

We would like more volunteers to help run the office at the driving range. If you can spare a couple of hours a week (or fortnight, or month), please contact Penny on All offers of help will be greatly appreciated.

Subscriptions for 2013.
Many thanks to those members who have renewed their membership for 2013. We need the support of all our members during this period of change and progress. Those members who have not yet renewed their membership will receive a friendly reminder in the next few days. We do hope you chose to continue your membership.

Thanks and regards

Max Whitten President, Maleny Golf Club Inc

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