Hinterland Golfer – May 2016 Newsletter

Catch up on the latest news and happenings at the club.

Club Shop

Concreting the footings of the new veranda

Concreting the footings of the new veranda

A big thanks goes to local builder and club member Dan Sommer for his generous donation of a construction crew (right) to prepare the footings and transform a pile of recycled timber and roofing iron (salvaged from Horton Park last year) into a spacious covered terrace overlooking the course. The structure was erected in half a day!

Salvage efforts were again redoubled by a team of our volunteers (below right) to successfully rescue 1500 pavers and a set of heavy duty plastic blinds from the old Mary Cairncross Cafe before the demolition contractor moved in.

The pavers and blinds will soon be installed to provide the club with a pleasant outdoor space offering both panoramic views of the course and respite from the weather.

Another successful salvage scrounge

Another successful salvage scrounge

Gold members are reminded that the Golf Shop is generously staffed most of the time by volunteers. Please remember that you must check in and show your membership card before teeing off for both insurance purposes and to enable the club to monitor course usage.

Staffing at the golf shop remains challenging at times, particularly when we have regulars away on holidays. June and July will be the months when extra help will be most  needed.

Taking on a shift need not be a commitment of more than two hours plus some initial training.


So if you have any time available and are interested in getting involved please get in touch with Richard Owen by phoning 5499 9960 or emailing shop@malenygolfclub.com.au.

Competition Golf

The men’s Monthly Medal, sponsored by Maleny Property Rentals, was contested in 2 Divisions on Saturday 30 April. Congratulations go to A Grade winner Richard Clayton who carded a net 68 to edge out runner up Dave Nielsen with a net 69. Third place-getter Mike Finley on net 71 carded the best gross score of 81 off the stick. Richard won ne the pin on the 5th.

Congratulations also go to B Grade winner Scott Alexander after shooting a net 63 – two shots better than runner up Ian Busk who carded a net 65, with third place going to Geoff Smith with a net 68.

Congratulations to Liz Mellish who shot a net 72 on the previous Wednesday (27 April) despite the wet weather to win the Ladies Monthly Medal and coveted glassware also provided by our sponsor Maleny Property Rentals. Runner Up was Anne Devane with a net 76 on a countback from Alison Behncken.

Competition Prize Vouchers

Members will be pleased to learn that Drummond Golf’s Maroochydore Store at 32 Wises Road has offered to accept Maleny Golf Club Competition Prize Vouchers and provide the club with Drummond Golf Vouchers to support the club by adding value to the prize pool on offer. This arrangement should be finalised and in place this month.

Another of our members Diann Weightman has offered to accept Maleny Golf Club Competition Prize Vouchers at her ladies fashion house “Simply Stylish – Fashion & Lingerie ” at the Riverside Centre in Maleny. Diann has also presented the golf club with discount vouchers to add value to the prize pool on offer. On behalf of all members we extend a big thanks to these businesses for their support.

Club Championships – Men’s to be rescheduled

ChampionshipsThe second round of the club’s inaugural men’s championship has been rescheduled from Sunday May 22 to the following Saturday 28 May due to a date clash. The ladies championship is unaffected and will be staged in one grade over two rounds on consecutive Wednesdays of May 11 and May 18.

Management apologises for any inconvenience this change may cause. The club has an association with the Sunshine Coast Cross Country Race Series and had given a commitment to host Race 4 of the series on the morning of 22 May.

Maleny Show needs volunteers

Maleny ShowThe Maleny Golf Club has a long-standing relationship with the Maleny Show Society and is seeking volunteers to assist with gate management and ticket sales on the Friday 28 May between 8:00am and 6pm.

If you can assist please contact Margaret Trigger via email on mjtrigger03@bigpond.com or call 5435 2812 or 0417 633 660.


Friday Chook Run

ChookrunThe Club is keen to promote the 9-hole Chook Run every Friday by enabling members to purchase a $5 participation voucher which can then be given to potential participants as a gift to make it more appealing to play a round.

The whole idea of the Chook Run (apart from the opportunity to win a frozen organic chook) is to encourage friends and acquaintances to meet others and try out the course in the hope that they will consider becoming a member.

John Cundill & Terry Lee Memorial Golf Day

Mirella Cundill & Joyce Lee with President Max Whitten

Mirella Cundill & Joyce Lee with President Max Whitten

Members turned out in force on the afternoon
of 21 April to celebrate the lives and contributions made by two of the club’s great supporters and stalwarts in John Cundill and Terry Lee.

Some 40 players took part in the 4 Ball Ambrose (a record turnout to date for any competition) and it was fantastic to see Mirella Cundill and Joyce Lee (pictured centre of image) attend and be present for the presentation and unveiling of the Terry Lee “Hole in One Club” Honour Board.

Congratulations go to the winners of this inaugural annual event: Ralph Ding, Bob Leach, Graham Shoebridge and George Kachaniwsky with a score of 26.25 comprised of 3 birdies and 6 pars.

Slow Down in Obi Lane

There’s always a temptation to put the foot down when running late to register the recommended 15 minutes before that Tee off time! However, please be mindful of the 50kph Speed Limit in force in Obi Lane when approaching or leaving the golf club.

Golf club members need to show consideration to the residents of Obi Lane and observe the speed limit at all times for the safety of all and the general amenity of those who live there. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Club Membership Update

The Maleny Golf Club continues to expand in its first year of full operation and has just achieved a significant milestone as the club now has 400 financial members. Of these 65% are either Gold or Silver Members with access to Golflink Handicaps. This augurs very well for the future at this early stage of the club’s development and provides a strong base for continued growth.

Maleny Golf Club was honoured to be announced last month as the Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club’s 2016 Club of the Year and our President Dr Max Whitten was on hand to accept the award presented by our local State MP Andrew Powell (pictured).

Our Volunteer Mowing Team was also awarded a Certificate of Achievement at the awards dinner on 23 April. Once again thanks to all our wonderful volunteers both on the course and in the golf shop without whom the club simply could not function.

Captain’s Corner with Robin Hay

Hi all, this month has seen some very good scores coming through. We are obviously becoming used to the course although most of us continue to record only average scores. There is hope for us yet! Congratulations to all winners.

It was great to see the good roll up for the John Cundill and Terry Lee Memorial Day and the unveiling of the Terry Lee Hole in One Club Honour Board. It was also pleasing to see most stay on for the sausage sizzle and a chat.

Later this month we will hold our first club Championships. Unfortunately there has to be a change in the dates for the men owing to a double booking on the Sunday 22 May as explained above. The second round will now be played in conjunction with the May Monthly Medal on Saturday 28 May. Many apologies for the mix up and we hope it does not affect too many.

A reminder that if you are to play in the Championships you are required to pay for both days on the first day ($20). Alternatively you will also be able to play on one day or the other as a single event.

When playing off the 4th Tees competition players need to be aware of the various rules which may come into play in the event of an errant shot. Ball found in Ground Under Repair -Nearest Point of Relief Rule 25-1; Relief from Lateral Water Hazard – Rule 26-1; Ball Lost or Out of Bounds, Provisional Ball – Rule 27-1.

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe

Amended sand being applied to the practice green

Amended sand being applied to the practice green

The recent wet weather has really been good for the course and should see us into winter when members can expect the greens, which have been performing well, to start getting quicker as growth slows.

The new ladies 7th tee has settled down nicely. We will start mowing this tee soon and expect it to be in play by the end of the month.

The new practice putting green (pictured right) is also progressing nicely and we plan to install some cups for putting.

However, players should be aware that it will be some time before the condition of the putting surface replicates that of the greens out on course. Planning time is now focused on establishment of a new maintenance facility.

Position still vacant

Maleny Golf Cub is looking for a retired accountant or bookkeeper who would like to assist the club by taking on the role of bookkeeper as a volunteer, or alternatively in return for modest recompense.

This role requires a commitment of circa 20 hours a month (30 mins to an hour per day) and involves:

Daily bank feed and processing in Xero (a/cs receivable, fixed asset register, general ledger, accounts payable)
Setting up invoices up for payment – approved by Treasurer and/or President
Running the payroll
Liaising with club manager on stock/supplier issues, voucher management and POS operation.
Quarterly BAS return
The hours are entirely flexible other than making sure the automated bank reconciliation is undertaken as regularly as possible. Previous experience required: bookkeeping; using computerised accounting packages such as MYOB, Quickbooks or Xero (the one we use); and payroll.

If interested please contact the Treasurer David Killeen by phoning 0417 385 931 or emailing treasurer@malenygolfclub.com.au

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