Hinterland Golfer – September 2017

Course Construction Update

DSC_0244_Mission accomplished Leading golf course designer and constructor David Burrup (right) with Maleny Golf Club President Max Whitten (centre) and Superintendent Mick McCombe_e

Mission accomplished: leading golf course designer and constructor David Burrup (right) with Maleny Golf Club President Max Whitten (centre) and Superintendent Mick McCombe

Maleny Golf Club remains on track to have 12 holes in play early next year following completion of bulk earthworks and installation of irrigation on the next three holes.

David Burrup Golf Course and Sports Turf Designs was contracted to undertake the earthworks construction which was completed in just 16 days during August.

Club President Dr Max Whitten said installation of the irrigation system was now well advanced in preparation for stolonising the new greens in conjunction with renovation of the existing nine greens renovation in late October.

“David Burrup and his team are highly experienced and have done an excellent job in shaping the greens and preparing these new holes which will expand our golf course to 12 holes,” Dr Whitten said.

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Overhead shot of the new holes taken by Owen Foley of Above and Beyond Photography with a drone showing the recently-installed irrigation mainline.

“The Club has also received Council approval to construct a modern maintenance facility to maintain the course at a very high standard and work on this building is also now getting underway.”

Another project being undertaken simultaneously is the removal and relocation of the pump sheds on the right hand side of the second fairway to a position behind the 7th tee where there will be minimal interference to players’ golf shots. .

Dr Whitten said in addition to a Queensland Government grant of $100,000, Sunshine Coast Council had budgeted to provide $450,000 over the next two financial years towards the design, construction and establishment of stage two of the Maleny golf course to expand it from 9 to 18 holes.

“We have received support from both the state and local government as well as an enormous amount of support from local volunteers and our plan is to complete the final six holes in 2018,” Dr Whitten said.

“We have no doubt that once the Graham Papworth-designed course is completed, it will be one of the best community golf courses on the Sunshine Coast.”

Annual General Meeting

Don’t forget the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Maleny Golf Club will be held in the Maleny RSL Club at 7:30pm on Wednesday 27th September.

The Notice of Meeting, Meeting Agenda, Management Committee Nomination Form and Proxy Voting Form were circulated to members via email on September 1.

The Minutes of the 2016 AGM held on the 29th September, 2016 and a proposed change to the Constitution of the Club were also provided.

The RSL Bar will be open from 7.00pm so come early for a drink and catch-up with members. If you require further information please contact the club secretary Roly Nieper by email to  secretary@malenygolfclub.com.au or info@malenygolfclub.com.au.

Trading Update and Golf Shop

July trading was up significantly on the previous year and the trend continued in August – albeit at a reduced rate. Golf revenue net of membership receipts was pleasingly up 39% on the previous July’s while August’s result was up almost 11%. Significantly, Visitor Green Fees and Cart Hire were again the main source of the revenue increase and the outlook for September is also very positive with a number of big tournaments scheduled.

A big vote of thanks must go to Neil Stenhouse who volunteered to help run the Golf Shop and coordinate the weekly staffing roster while Manager Richard Owen was on leave. Neil is to be commended for doing a fantastic job during Richard’s absence and so too our wonderful group of volunteers – some of whom undertook additional shifts to fill gaps in the roster.

Call for Lions Welcome Dinner Volunteers

Every year the Maleny Lions Club organises a Welcome Dinner at the Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion for new residents and the golf club gets involved by contracting to provide a team to assist with clearing the tables after the main course and dessert. This year’s event is being held on Wednesday 20 September and we need a team of six or so volunteers who can commit to help out between 7pm and 9:30pm.

If you would like to help please advise either Richard Owen at the Golf Shop or President Max Whitten.

Southern Wetland Planting

Southern Wetland Community PlantingCouncil has organised a community planting event for Sunday 17 September around part of the Southern Wetland.

This wetland, which lies to the west of our 9th fairway, will be a central feature in our completed 18-hole golf course.

Members will be familiar with Armstrong Dam, which is now developing as an ecologically healthy wetland between our 2nd and 3rd holes.

The fairways act as ecological buffers for the wetland. We see a similar outcome for the larger southern wetland, with fairways and low vegetation serving as buffers for acquatic plants and animals in the wetland.

The Golf Club encourages members to participate in this event. – Max Whitten

Club Championships

The men’s and ladies’ club championships were held during the last week of August and first week of September and hotly contested – the men’s in three divisions A, B & C Grades and the ladies in two A and B Grades.

Congratulations go to Garth Bailo who successfully defended his title to retain the Rickaby Cup as Men’s Club Champion and Robin Hay who won the Ladies’ Championship. Sue Hardy took the Ladies’ B Grade honours while Chris Plummer won the Men’s B Grade Championship and Tom Kennedy prevailed in C Grade. Richard Clayton earned the Senior Men’s title.

For the full Match Reports follow these links: Men’s ChampionshipsLadies’ Championships.

Captain’s Corner

After an enjoyable eight weeks travelling to Darwin, Mt Isa and Birdsville, I am back in Maleny.

Firstly, please note there will be a Master’s Match Play golf event being conducted here in Maleny on Tuesday 17 October. This means there will be no regular Maleny Competition that day, but the Men are more than welcome to play on Wednesday 18 October, after the Ladies have teed off.

The Match Committee plans to re-introduce a competition on Thursdays. This competition will be a 9-hole event to begin with and be open from 7:00am until 4pm. Players will be able to take a card, complete it and place it in the return cards box and pay the competition fee after completing their round if the golf shop is unattended.

Pennant team players are advised that the club’s Pennant Team shirts are being ordered so please see Robin Hay.

A Maleny State High School Chappy Open Day is to be held at the golf club on Sunday 15 October so please support this day.

Thanks to all those members who have loaned carts for our Glasshouse Mountains Master’s 4BBB event here next Monday, 11 September. Also a reminder of our Pink and Blue Day next Wednesday, 13 September and that we still need raffle prizes for both days.

A big thank you to all who helped as spotters for the Championships and congratulations to all the winners.

“Golf for the most part relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules of golf. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the Spirit of the Game of Golf.

Happy Golfing, Marg Trigger (Captain)

Course Update – Superintendent Mick McCombe

Despite the absence of rain we are already starting to see kikuyu shoots coming up on the newly shaped fairways! The earthworks and irrigation pipeline servicing the new holes have been completed. Work is now about to commence on trenching across the exisiting course to connect the new holes up to the irrigation system which will impact the 1st, 8th and 9th holes.

Please take care around any of the open trenches and give way to golf course staff and volunteers while they are engaged in delivering this next stage of infrastructure. Everything has gone exceptionally well but we could do with a drop of rain right now. According to member feedback, the course played very well during the club championships and we are very happy to have been able to produce a great course which delivered a good test of golf.



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