Ladies Let’s Golf – Free Introductory Session and Level 1 Sessions

Ladies Let’s Golf – Level 1 Sessions

Ladies, Let’s Golf level 1 sessions are a designed for a novice golfer with little or no experience.  The Level 1 course follows on from a free introductory session to be held at the golf club from 10-11am on 19 August.

The Level 1 course starting on 26 August consists of 4 weeks of 60 minute group clinics where participants will learn the some basic skills of golf (golf swing, chipping, putting, and pitching). Each week will focus on an individual aspect in greater detail.

All equipment including golf balls, golf clubs, coaching and a merchandise pack is included for $99/person.  It is not necessary to have completed a free introduction course to participate in Ladies, Let’s Golf level 1.

As the clinic is limited to 8 players we have introduced another clinic option of Sundays 28th August, 4, 11, 18 September at 9:00am-10:00am.  To complete the registration and payment process please click here.  The numbers will be determined on a first in basis.


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