Mens Monthly Medal Saturday 25th July 2020

Congratulation to A Grade winner Mike Finley with a nett score of 65, Mike Hallam in 2nd with a nett score of 68, Blake Wellington in 3rd with a nett score of 71.

Congratulation to B Grade winner Gary Wright with a nett score of 74 on a count back from Doug Johnstone and Jeff Kruse.

Congratulation to C Grade winner David Killeen with a nett score of 76, Ian Lee in 2nd with a nett score of 78, Neil Stenhouse in 3rd with a nett score of 79.

Goss winner was Mike Finley

Ball run down Jon Fairman, Eric Hecht, David Durack, Tom Bertwistle ans Tye Lincoln.

For full match play CLICK HERE

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