MGC Pennant Team looking forward to home course defence

Members of our Pennant Team acquitted themselves very well against strong competition at Caboolture Golf Club on Sunday and are looking forward to exploiting some home-course advantages during the next competition round at Maleny Golf Club on Sunday February 11. The weather was fine, but very windy and several of our players had never played the Caboolture course.

Competition rules require the 5 top-ranked team members to play “off the stick” against their opposite numbers and the remaining 6 team members to play off their daily handicaps, subject a maximum of 12.4.

Our top-ranked player was Blake Wellington with a handicap of 4.2 was up against a player on +1. All the other Caboolture “scratch” players were on handicaps lower than Blake’s, while our lowest-ranked “scratch marker” was Jimmy Byun with a GA handicap of 9.2.

At the other end of the scale, Mike Hallam with a GA handicap of 15.8, had to concede some 4 shots to his opposite number because of the handicap limit.

Despite all that, the team managed 4 wins from 11 matches, which was a really great effort. Peter Gilbert, Rhys Cooper and Jack Day all had good wins and Mike Hallam, whose match was the only one to go the full distance, got up on the 18th hole. The other matches were close contests, with many (including Blake’s) finishing at around the 15th or 16th hole.

This Sunday, we face Pacific Harbour at Maleny, so we will at least have the advantage of our home course so please come out and provide some support and encouragement.

Caboolture will also be playing South Burnett here and the Caboolture players, none of whom have played our course, are all looking forward to being here.

Captain – Doug Johnstone

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