Mix Stableford Tuesday 15th October 2019

Ladies from Redcliffe Golf Club joined the competition today and had a great time, thank you ladies.

The winner for the ladies was Sarah Harding with 40 points, Toni Bishop in 2nd with 38 points, Claudio Vasconcelos (Redcliffe Golf Club)  in 3rd with 37 points on a count back from Audine Coveney (Redcliffe Golf Club), Seri Tytherleigh and Glenda McIntosh.

The men winner was Dick Kamen (Caloundra Golf Club) with 45 points on a count back from Merv Schultz, Paul Vicary in 3rd with 42 points.

Nearest to the pins on hole 3 for the ladies Toni Bishop and for the men Dick Kamen, on hole 5 for the ladies Beth Glover and for the men Niel Cronk, on hole 8 for the ladies Anne Devane, on hole 13 for the ladies Beth Glover and for the men Dennis Brown.

For full match play CLICK HERE



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