Recovery Shot Art Union

It will probably come as no surprise to you that the operational changes that we have had to make to allow play to continue has had a severe financial impact on the Club.

Whatever happens over the next little while we need to maintain our course so that when the Covid-19 situation ends we are ready to go straight back to full playing conditions. Whilst we believe we may be eligible for some Government support for part of our wages we still have fuel, fertilizer and all the other costs that go into maintaining the course to cover.

To assist us continue to meet our costs we have developed an Art Union with a first prize of $10,000.00 and 10 prizes of $50. In summary tickets are $50 each or 3 for $120. There is to be a minimum of 500 tickets sold and a maximum of 600 tickets. If at the date of the prize draw we have not sold the minimum number ticket purchasers will be offered a refund.

Tickets are available for purchase in the shop and you can order tickets by email to

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