Work on Greens 6th September 2014

Here are some photos of work done this week to finalize the shaping of greens 4,5,7 and 9 in preparation for the final fertilising and spreading of grass stolons.

Our course superintendent Mick McCombe and a large team of volunteers did a great job with these greens now sown with grass.  Thanks to all who helped.

Click on photos to enlarge

Connecting the pumps to draw creek water

Connecting the pumps to draw creek water

Anne, Toni and Margaret with course superintendent Mick and Dave in the background

Anne, Toni and Margaret with course superintendent Mick and Dave in the background

Rob on the Sand Pro

Rob on the Sand Pro

9th green shaped and ready for final fertiliser and grass stolons

9th green shaped and ready for final fertiliser and grass stolons

4th green spread with grass stolon waiting to be covered

4th green spread with grass stolon waiting to be covered

9th green with grass stolons covered with hessian

9th green with grass stolons covered with hessian

Volunteer army spreading grass stolons on 4th green

Volunteer army spreading grass stolons on 4th green

5th Green with stolons waiting to be covered with hessian

5th Green with stolons waiting to be covered with hessian

Final shaping of 7th green

Final shaping of 7th green

7th Green with grass stolons and partly covered for protection

7th Green with grass stolons and partly covered for protection

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